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6.5.2019 |

HundrED: On A Mission To Help Every Child To Flourish | HundrED Innovation Summit

At HundrED we seek and share inspiring, impactful, and scalable innovations in K12 education. Find out more about our mission to help every child to flourish...

“With HundrED, I’ve had the pleasure of attending around 50 education events around the world in the past five years,” says Saku Tuominen, Chair of the Board. “And what I’ve noticed is that in all of them, the discussion is either about why, or what. It’s almost never about how”

“The world is changing and that’s why we need to change schools as well, but how do we make that change happen? It’s not talked about too much because it’s so complicated. I don't think for one second the change will be simple, but I’ll try to simplify it here just for clarity.”

“There are many things we at HundrED believe will need to change in order to make a change happen at scale. One is that we have to move from local to global. There are lots of beautiful things happening in classrooms that nobody knows about. We live in a global world, it’s a shame that education is so local."

“The next is that instead of living in silos, we have to move towards cooperation. We have to change opinions, we have to collaborate, we have to communicate, we have to praise.”

“And finally, we have to understand the difference between ideas and innovations. Quite often when we try to change education we force a lot of new ideas on schools. The problem with forcing all the time new things is that a lot of it doesn't work. Just like with startups, where 80% of them fail. It messes up the system, it frustrates teachers. I’m not anti-ideas, of course, but if we want the change to happen, we need an emphasis on innovation.”

"What is the definition of innovation? For us, an innovation solves a real problem, it’s been tested and has a demonstrable impact, and it has to have the potential to work in more than one place."

Hear more about what we believe at HundrED and the actions we are taking to help innovations to spread... 



Like what you've heard so far? Find a playlist of videos from the HundrED Summit here
