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16.4.2019 |

Two Systems Journey Towards Making Every School a Good One | HundrED Innovation Summit

How can we make sure every school is a good one? We hear from education experts from Finland and USA on how their journeys towards excellence and equity match up.

“We’ve been discussing a lot about whole school models and making every school a good one, but to make education change a reality, it needs to happen in every country, in every city, in every school.”


We were joined at the HundrED Summit by Pia Pakarinen, Deputy Mayor of Education in Helsinki, Vanessa Wilkins, founder of Future School Lab, and Whitney Grubbs, director of the Chalkboard Project. Here they talk about how two systems, those of Finland and the USA, are making the journey towards excellence and equity, in some unique, and surprisingly similar, ways.


Like what you've heard so far? Find a playlist of videos from the HundrED Summit here
