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Comprehensive Scientific Research Program at Qatar Science and Technology School

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Inspiring Inquiry, Igniting Innovation: Empowering Minds, We're All Partners in Achieving Qatar Visi

Revolutionizing education, our program cultivates research skills and critical thinking. It offers a unique platform for scientific exploration, fostering creativity and analytical abilities. Empowering minds through hands-on projects, we shape future innovators for Qatar Vision 2023, where students are partners in achieving our vision.


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Updated May 2024
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Target group
The innovation aims to transform education by instilling a scientific inquiry and critical thinking culture. It aspires to see students actively engaged in hands-on research, fostering creativity, analytical skills, and a passion for continuous learning, ultimately shaping them into future leaders and innovators aligned with the goals of Qatar Vision 2023.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

To address students' crucial need to cultivate research skills and critical thinking. The platform offered scientific exploration, fostering creativity and analytical abilities. Empowering students through hands-on research projects aims to shape future innovators to reach Qatar Vision 2023, where students play an active role in achieving educational and innovative excellence.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The Comprehensive Scientific Research Program involves students engaging in hands-on research projects and exploring scientific exploration to cultivate research skills and critical thinking. The program provides a unique platform fostering creativity and shaping students as active partners in achieving educational and innovative excellence aligned with Qatar Vision 2023.

How has it been spreading?

Adopting the Comprehensive Scientific Research Program has spread through active promotion within Qatar Science and Technology School, utilizing various channels like school events, social media, and collaborations. The program's success and achievements have contributed to its dissemination as students, teachers, and the community recognize its positive impact. In addition, Research and projects are mandatory teaching subjects marked in the student's marks report, and students have to take them from grade 9 to 11. Many local and international institutions (such as the ministry and universities) announce their scientific competitions. Our students know that one reason for their success in such competitions is the experience they will gain by enrolling in the scientific research program.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Contact the school administration or visit the program's dedicated section on the school's website. Information about enrollment, participation guidelines, and upcoming events will be provided for those interested in exploring and joining the innovative research initiatives.


تقرير مشاريع البحث العلمي والهندسي للعام الأكاديمي م2023/2022
تألق الطلاب في معرض البحث العلمي 2023 حصل طلاب المدرسة على المركز الأول في فئة(ا حصد طلابنا جائزة المركز الأول في فئة(الطب الحيوي)؛ حيث حصل الطالبان( عبد العزيز الحردان، تركي الذبحاني) بإشراف الأستاذ. أحمد فارس على المركز الأول.
جوائز تحدي علوم المستقبل
حصلت مدرسة قطر للعلوم والتكنولوجيا الثانوية للبنين على جائزة التميز العلمي في دورتها السابعة عشرة؛ *فئة المدرسة المتميزة وفئة البحث العلمي المتميز* (قدَّمه الطالب: خالد فهد محمد إبراهيم، بإشراف المهندس: إياد عبد القادر).
طلاب مدرسة قطر للعلوم والتكنولوجيا يحصدون الجوائز في معرض الشرق الأوسط للاختراع بالكويت شارك طلاب المدرسة في معرض الشرق الأوسط الرابع عشر للاختراع الذي أُقيم في الكويت في الفترة من 5 إلى 7 من فبراير 2024؛ حيث حصل الطالبان: عمر محمد العمادي وجاسم عيسى الشامري على الميدالية الذهبية
طلاب مدرسة قطر للعلوم والتكنولوجيا للبنين يحصدون المركز الأول في مؤتمر ومعرض إعادة التدوير والاستدامة 2024 حقّق طلاب المدرسة (المركز الأول) في مؤتمر ومعرض إعادة التدوير والاستدامة 2024، الذي أقيم في إكسبو الدوحة - حديقة البدع، وذلك خلال الفترة من 14 إلى 15 فبراير 2024.
المدارس الفائزة بجائزة التميُّز العلمي
ضمن الوفد الممثل لدولة قطر للمشاركة في أولمبياد الروبوت الخليجي المقام بسلطنة عمان، حقق الطالبان: بدر الزمان وسعيد الهاجري، من مدرسة قطر للعلوم والتكنولوجيا الثانوية للبنين، إنجازًا استثنائيا؛بفوزهما بالميدالية الذهبية في محور المشاريع العلمية والابتكار،بإشراف الأستاذ عيسى سويدان
واصل طلاب المدرسة تألقهم؛ فحصدوا عشر ميداليات في مسابقتي باحث7 وابتكار، اللتين ينظمهما النادي العلمي القطري، وشمل هذا الإنجاز ثلاث ميداليات ذهبية وثلاث ميداليات فضية وميدالية برونزية في مسابقة باحث7، بينما حصلت مشاريع المدرسة على ميداليتين؛ ذهبية وفضية في مسابقة ابتكار.
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Implementation steps

The innovation has three main phases:
1. Before Starting the Project (1 Month)
2. During Project Execution (Remaining School Year)
3. After Project Completion (1 Month)
1. Before Starting the Project (1 Month):
This phase focuses on setting up the program infrastructure. It involves forming a committee, developing a plan, training teachers, and preparing resources for students.
1.1. Form a Scientific Research Committee (Week 1):
+Identify and gather key stakeholders like school administration, science teachers, and a potential librarian.
+Assign roles and responsibilities within the committee (e.g., program lead, resource coordinator).
1.2. Develop the Annual Research Plan (Weeks 2-3):
+Review the school's strategic and operational plans to ensure alignment with the program's goals.
+Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives for the program (e.g., participation rate, number of research projects completed).
+Determine the program budget and identify potential funding sources (e.g., school allocation, fundraising).
+Outline a timeline for prime program activities throughout the year.
1.3. Design a Research Methodology (Week 4):
+Establish a straightforward research process for students to follow, including steps like topic selection, data collection methods, analysis techniques, and presentation formats.
+Consider incorporating age-appropriate research methods for different grade levels (e.g., focusing on literature reviews for 9th grade, progressing to experimentation for higher grades).
1.4. Train Teachers on Research Skills (Weeks 5-6):
+Organize workshops or training sessions to equip teachers with the necessary skills to guide students effectively.
+Topics could cover research methodology, scientific thinking, project management, and student assessment techniques.
1.5. Prepare Student Groups and Supervision (Month 1):
+Divide students (grades 9-11) into small research groups (2-3 students) based on interests and project suitability.
+Assign a dedicated science teacher as a supervisor for each group to provide guidance and support throughout the project.
+Allocate dedicated meeting spaces for student groups to collaborate and receive supervision.
1.6. Secure Resources and Support (Month 1):
+Identify and acquire necessary research materials, equipment, and software based on anticipated project topics.
+Establish partnerships with local libraries, universities, or research institutions to provide access to additional resources or expertise.
1.7. Define Assessment Criteria (Month 1):
+Develop clear evaluation rubrics outlining the criteria for assessing student research projects (e.g., research question clarity, methodology, data analysis, and presentation skills).
+Ensure rubrics are age-appropriate and align with the chosen research methodology.
1.8. Set Research Requirements (Month 1):
+Communicate project expectations to students, including timelines for each stage, research topic selection guidelines, and ethical considerations.
+Provide templates or resources to help students structure their research proposals and reports.
1.9. Prepare Logistics (Month 1):
+Secure necessary approvals for any external collaborations or field trips related to student research projects.
+Communicate clearly with parents or guardians about the program expectations and student involvement.
2. During Project Execution (Remaining School Year):
Highlight the exciting journey of students conducting their research, including topic selection, data collection, analysis, and presentation skills training.
Stress the ongoing teacher support, ensuring the audience feels confident in the program's ability to provide a rich learning experience.
2.1. Refine Research Skills Training (Ongoing):
+Offer ongoing support and professional development opportunities for teachers throughout the project.
+Address specific challenges or areas where teachers might need additional training.
2.2. Introduce Research Methodology to 9th Graders (Early Semester):
+Dedicate specific class time in science subjects for 9th graders to learn the basics of research methodology.
+Introduce key concepts like research questions, hypothesis development, and data collection methods.
2.3. Topic Selection and Research Proposal (Mid-Semester):
+Facilitate brainstorming sessions within student groups to identify potential research topics.
+Guide students to refine their chosen topics, ensuring they are age-appropriate, feasible, and aligned with program objectives.
+Support students in developing research proposals outlining their research question, hypothesis, methodology, and expected outcomes.
2.4. Research Execution (Mid-Semester onwards):
+Students begin their research under teacher supervision, following the defined research methodology.
+Activities may involve literature reviews, data collection (experiments, surveys, observations), data analysis, and interpretation.
+Teachers provide ongoing guidance and feedback and address any challenges student groups face.
2.5. Determine Presentation Style (Late Semester):
+Decide on the format for student presentations of their research findings (e.g., scientific posters, oral presentations, digital presentations).
+Consider audience, project complexity, and student preferences when choosing the format.
2.6. Offer Presentation Skills Training (Late Semester):
+Provide workshops or training sessions to help students develop their presentation skills, focusing on clear communication, data visualization, and effective delivery techniques.
2.7. Project Monitoring and Support (Ongoing):
+Teachers regularly monitor student progress, offering guidance and addressing any challenges the research groups face.
+Schedule regular meetings with student groups to track progress, answer questions, and provide feedback.
3. After Project Completion (1 Month):
Reiterate the program's commitment to continuous improvement, with students presenting their research, receiving feedback, and reflecting on their learning.
Emphasize the program evaluation for improvement in the next year, ensuring the audience feels confident in the program's ability to adapt and grow.
3.1. Project Evaluation and Review (Week 1):
+Students present their final research projects according to the chosen format (posters, presentations, etc.) to a panel of teachers and/or external judges (optional).
+Evaluate student projects using the pre-defined rubrics, focusing on research quality, presentation skills, and overall project execution.
+Provide constructive feedback to students on their strengths and areas for improvement.
3.2. Student Reflection and Analysis (Week 2):
+Facilitate discussions or written reflections for students to analyze their learning experiences throughout the program.
+Encourage students to reflect on challenges overcome, research skills developed, and overall project takeaways.
3.3. Showcase Student Work (Week 3):
+Organize a school-wide event (science fair, exhibition) to showcase student research projects to the school community (parents, teachers, students).
+This can also involve inviting the wider community or media to celebrate student achievements.
3.4. Competition Participation (Ongoing):
+Encourage participation in relevant local, national, or international science competitions based on student interest and project suitability.
+Provide support and guidance to students participating in such competitions.
3.5. Documentation and Sharing (Week 4):
+Document the program's execution, including student projects, presentations, and evaluation reports.
+Consider sharing program outcomes and student achievements with relevant stakeholders (school board, community partners, etc.).
3.6. Program Improvement and Self-Assessment (Week 4):
+Conduct a review session with the Scientific Research Committee to assess the program's effectiveness in achieving its objectives.
+Identify areas for improvement, such as resource allocation, training needs, or project selection criteria.
+Refine the program plan for the following year based on the learnings and feedback gathered.

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