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Ed Game in Honour of Lev Vygotsky

School as a Centre of the Community

The Ed Game was designed for those who are ready to make their school the center of community. With its help, participants build school communities that can continuously generate new educational experiences, resources and opportunities for all of their members. Studies show that children at such schools learn more effectively, acquire modern-day skills faster and are better prepared for adulthood.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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Target group
May 2024
It's time to reimagine. It's time for action. It's time to play! The Ed Game brings changes. It implements a wellbeing approach in schools, both private and public, in large cities and in rural areas. It helps to create equal conditions and apply a holistic approach to improving the educational climate. It strengthens local communities and teaches students the importance of community engagement.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Multiple studies have shown the high efficiency of community-based schools. In such schools, children are 1.5 times less likely to miss lessons, and their academic achievements are significantly improved. They have 35% more time for projects, sports and art, which means opportunities for development. Our goal is to ensure that more schools follow the “School is a Center of the Community” model.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

In practice, this is a game that is implemented in a chatbot. Through their interactions with the animated character Arnie, school teams are given assignments which help to shape and develop their school communities. Answers are sent in the form of links to social media posts. Moderators evaluate the quality of completed tasks and award game crystals. The teams with the most crystals advance to the finals, where the winners are determined and awarded a cash prize. They can spend it on implementing a school project that embodies the concept "School is a Center of the Community".

How has it been spreading?

The development of the concept of “School is a center of the Community” led to the creation of the Ed Game, named for Lev Vygotsky. Because the concept and techniques of the game are applicable to any region, school teams from other countries started to join the Ed Game. The number of participants is rising, from 21000 registrations in 2021 to over 30000 in 2023.
Today, more than 2000 schools have moved away from a closed organization model towards creating a community that includes parents, alumni, representatives of the local communities and businesses.
In addition, schools that participated in the Ed Game initiated creation of the Association of School Communities to share their experiences.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Game tasks can be created based on the context of a particular country and are easily adaptable to any educational system. To receive recommendations on the implementation of the game, as well as the use of a chatbot, please contact our team via the website: or email us at

Implementation steps

Follow the news
Subscribe to our Telegram channel: There, you can stay up to date on the start of a new season, which runs from November to March each year.
Register on the platform
Register on the website. If your organisation does not already have a team, form one.
Select a convenient messenger
Go to the chatbot (VKontakte or Telegram), click the “Invite” button in the “Menu”.
Assemble your team
Send the registration link provided by the chatbot to everyone who wants to join your team.
Diversify your team. It can include teachers, students, parents, school alumni, business partners or other members of your community.
Complete tasks from the chatbot
Read the tasks carefully. Complete assignments and send results in the form of links to social media posts. Do not forget to refer to the “Hint” section for tips on how to design your posts efficiently.
Implement the presented techniques
After completing tasks that help strengthen the community, you will be able to adapt and apply the provided techniques outside the Ed Game.

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