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Feel & Play

Unlock Your Emotional Superpowers

In a world of mental health crisis, we all need more social and emotional skills. Highly immersive musical storytelling app for multiuser co-creation in creative arts, Feel & Play is a solution for children to be more creative and emotionally expressive. Encouraging for self-confidence, all emotions accepted and cherished.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
Students early
June 2024
Strongly reduce mental health problems and bullying. Giving every child the right to express all emotions and be creative to their fullest potential. Helping teachers and parents understand the variety of human emotions and encouraging children (and themselves) to show them.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

25% of the world population suffer from mental health issues. 87% of teachers and parents rank improved mental health as the most important long term benefit of Social and Emotional Learning skills, but only 22% of professional educators feel prepared to teach SEL, while only 14% of parents are familiar with it. AND there are no creative & learning by doing -solutions in the market.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Feel & Play app for multitouch screens helps children recognize, express, understand and regulate emotions – from surprise to sorrow, from fear to love. Feel & Play is a solution for children to be more creative and emotionally expressive. It is a multilevel creative digital product for SEL competence development - there are none in the market. Engaging children and teachers alike, Feel & Play is a highly immersive gamified musical storytelling visual app for multiuser co-creation in creative arts.

How has it been spreading?

Users and/or pilots in 10 countries. Over 25.000 children have now used Feel & Play. Customer segments: schools and daycares, music and family therapists, libraries and children´s culture centers, and families via App Store downloads.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Download for iPad from App Store, or in case of Android and/or large touch screen, shoot an email at info@musicfairytales and we will take care of the rest!

Implementation steps

Install the app
Install the app to your device.
Open the app
Open the app.
Feel & Play
Play, create and express yourself!

Spread of the innovation

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