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Global EdTech Testbed Network

Democratising evidence generation through a global community of systemic EdTech trialling networks

A global saturation of EdTech solutions challenges teachers, schools, entrepreneurs, and researchers in choosing, designing, and generating accessible evidence on effective EdTech. The Global EdTech Testbed Network offers a community to trial EdTech in authentic contexts and provide access to resources and networks to improve EdTech, driving improved educational outcomes for all K-12 learners.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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April 2024
Our Theory of Change: If best practices of EdTech testbed development are studied, coordinated, and shared, then a global trialing community will have better access to the resources, skillsets and network necessary to accelerate the pace of evidence generation for EdTech, so that EdTech interventions will more likely lead to positive educational outcomes for the full diversity of K-12 learners.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

The education sector has been designing and evaluating EdTech for decades, but only recently through more systemic EdTech “testbeds”. However, these operate as “black boxes” with many of the processes and products invisible. GETN was created to harness growing interest to understand and systemtically document different testbed approaches to better understand and share effective testing methods.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

GETN aims to collect, produce, and communicate knowledge while nurturing a global community of EdTech testbed stakeholders. In practice, this means GETN:
-Surfaces existing EdTech testbed processes and products that are hypothesised and/or evidenced to be effective for different stakeholders within the global EdTech ecosystem.
-Produces syntheses of these processes and products in open-source, written forms to both map the landscape and summarise key features of different testbeds.
-Produce knowledge resources for global stakeholders in high-, medium- and low-resource contexts that can support stakeholders to realise learning outcomes for children through the integration of EdTech in teaching and learning.
-Nurture a global community of EdTech stakeholders with a common interest in effective EdTech Testbed design, implementation and evaluation. Thus far, GETN has hosted gatherings and workshops in Italy, the UK, and Qatar.

How has it been spreading?

GETN spreads by making global connections with, and between, stakeholders in EdTech, including learners, teachers, schools, entrepreneurs, EdTech developers, institutions, governments, investors, and foundations. GETN fosters dialogue through open-source research and reporting, particularly through the white paper “Towards Systemic EdTech Testbeds: A Global Perspective” which showcases practices and learnings of different EdTech testbeds in several countries. GETN has also produced the first “Tenets & Principles of EdTech Trialing Networks & Environments in the US” and continues to build on testbed work in the USA. Additionally, GETN has hosted workshops for EdTech stakeholders in Italy and the UK, as well as contributed to international conferences such as BETT and WISE.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Become part of the network! Visit our website at: to access and read our reports. From there, you can directly reach out to us to explore how being a part of the network might support your own work.

Implementation steps

Complete our global survey
If you’re interested in joining a community of stakeholders interested in systemic testbeds, or establishing a testbed in your context:
Complete our global survey to tell us about your interest:
Visit our website and get in touch
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Please contact us! We encourage questions or ideas on how we can best include, collaborate, or support you within the network.
Access our resources
Access our resources, including:
-Our White Paper detailing global perspectives on systemic EdTech testbeds
-Our Tenets & Principles of EdTech Trialing Networks & Environments within the US
-Get in touch to learn more about how you can access our events, workshops, and other opportunities for collaboration

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