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High Tech High Graduate School

How can we empower educators to provide equitable and innovative learning for all?

The Graduate School of Education helps educators to grow their practice for effective teaching, learning and leadership in an immersive residency professional development programme.
HundrED 2018


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HundrED 2018

Updated September 2017
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We really engage people and imbedded them in a school that is really doing this work - often you shadow in a system that isn’t innovative but now they can live it and breath it

About the innovation

What is High Tech High Graduate School?

Professional development opportunities can often take the form of brief courses and events which, while inspirational, can seem removed from the daily realities of teaching and learning in real life schools. This can mean that when teachers return to their home school they struggle to implement the abstract ideas and the opportunity for meaningful change is missed.

Studying educational issues and learning how to be an innovative leader in education can be made more impactful by allowing the participants to get hands on experience and research opportunities in a school that is doing innovative work already.

High Tech High isone of the most well-known school systems worldwide, showcased asan exampleof how to bring successful project-based learning into schools. But, did you know thatHigh Tech High were also the first high school to open a graduate school of education within a K12 institution?

High Tech High Graduate School wasdeveloped to make teachers into leaders who think outside the box and feel freeto innovate in schools.

The graduate school is intended to be an opportunity for teachers to improve their creativity, to take risks and unleash change. The graduate school courses are highly practical in nature and recruit experienced teachers to further their practice by working and learning in the school, having real life experiences through project based learning.

Teachersare encouraged to design each learning experience with equity in mind, so that their work addresses historical and systemic oppression that affects disadvantaged student. Progressive pedagogy focuses on deeper learning and gives students options and a voice in their learning experience, as well as an authentic purpose and audience for their learning. Teachers at the Graduate School examine connections between equity and design in their practice and develop effective leadership skills to enable them and their colleagues to shape schools to be innovative and equitable, expanding the High Tech High approach to other schools.

Following the project-based learning approach of the High Tech High K12 charter schools, the Graduate school is dedicated to providing adult learning experiences for teachers that are personalized, authentic, and transformative.

Graduate School students create personal learning plans, pursue a project-based curriculum, explore their own questions through rigorous inquiry, and develop digital portfolios to demonstrate their learning. They are encouraged to explore the intersection of theory and practice as they learn by doing. The students also conduct research while engaging in the daily reality of working in the school and are expected to share their work with audiences within the Graduate School and the wider community.

The Graduate School Education Leadership Academy turns educational teams into change agents. The hybrid learning model involves face-to-face residencies at High Tech High in San Diego, professional partnership, and online learning. Participants design their own personal learning plan and design and deliver a collaborative Leadership Project to address a real need in their home school.

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability


High Tech High Graduate School focuses not on creating a platform, but on creating an opportunity to improve creativity and taking the risk to try something new. The Graduate School is embedded within the High Tech High schools, providing an engaging context for personalized, hands-on learning and the consolidation of theory and practice.


High Tech High Graduate School has helped to develop leaders who think outside the box.


High Tech High Graduate School trains 5000 teachers a year, and runs a conference bringing practitioners together.

Implementation steps

Check out the opportunities!
Explore what types of professional development opportunities High Tech High Graduate School are offering.

Head to theHigh Tech High Graduate School siteto see what courses might be of interest you.

The M.Ed. in Educational Leadership is available as a one-year full-time program or two-year part-time program for working professionals.

The HTH GSE Education Leadership Academy focuses on developing educational teams as change agents. This one-year hybrid program blends face-to-face residencies at High Tech High in San Diego, partnerships with HTH critical friends, and online learning.

The Career Pathways PBL Leadership Academy, with support from state funding designated for technical assistance services for CCPT grantees,features fall and spring Leadership Institutes at High Tech High (HTH), opportunities to develop collegial partnerships with current HTH teachers, and online collaboration with colleagues from throughout California.

Book a tour
If you're interested in visiting the campus you can book a tour!

Learning tours avaliable here!

Invite High Tech High to you.
HTH teachers, school leaders, and faculty from the Graduate School of Education and Center for Research on Equity and Innovation are available to visit your school and facilitate professional development with faculty.

They offer the following workshops, as well as personalized workshops based on the interests and needs of your school. HTH workshops are interactive and hands-on, model progressive teaching practices, and often use student work, video and protocols to facilitate reflective conversations. HTH On the Road facilitators may visit schools for single days, multi-day on-site residencies, or longer-term, large scale projects for professional learning.

Submit to UnBoxed
UnBoxed is a peer-reviewed journal of reflections on purpose, practice and policy in education, published twice yearly by the High Tech High Graduate School of Education.

UnBoxed serve a broad readership around the US and the world, and welcome submissions from K-12 teachers, administrators, students, teacher educators, policymakers, researchers, and other informed observers of education.In addition to reflections on practice, submissions may include essays on purpose and policy, accounts of teacher research, scholarly articles, project designs, tools, photography, art, and student work.

Submissions may take the form of articles or 2-sided cards that describe a project, practice, or tool.

Article submissions are reviewed by at least two peer reviewers. Our peer reviewers are carefully selected to represent a range of thought leaders, scholars and practitioners at both the K-12 and university level.

Each article is reviewed using the following criteria:

  • Accessibility: Is the article engaging and accessible to a broad audience of educators?

  • Usefulness: Does the article provide useful examples from practice that speak to broader issues in education?

  • Insight: Does the author describe insights into teaching and learning?

​Reviewers offer their feedback on the above criteria, and then make one of the following recommendations: Accept with Minor Revisions, Accept with Major Revisions, or Reject. In the first two cases, reviewers provide additional notes to guide the author’s revisions. Following acceptance, each author is assigned an editor, a member of the UnBoxed Editorial Board, who works with them to prepare the final manuscript.

High Tech High MOOCS & courses
High Tech High have created or co-created MOOCS to further your professional development from the comfort of your own home!

Check out the MOOCs, courses & podcastshere!

A great insight into the way High Tech High is put into practice is the "How to teach us" MOOCavaliable on Coursera.

Join High Tech High as Courserafollow the educational experiences of various students in their schools. Youwill learn from various education experts on how to incorporate student voice into various educational environments. Most importantly youwill hear from the experts themselves, High Tech Highstudents as they posit: "How To Teach Us".