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Integral School Model

The School Community is the center of our Integral School Model.

Our Mission is to improve the quality of education that children recieve in public elementary schools in Mexico through the implementation of our Integral School Model composed of 8 Lines of action. Each line of action contains programs implemented in public schools by specialists on the subject for an initial 6 year period of close intervention. We work with parents, teachers and students.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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May 2024
I would like to see that as we strengthen integrally the elementary school with a model of accompainment for the school community we can improve the quality of education and benefit not only the school community but society as a whole.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

93% of Mexican children attend Public Elementary Schools in Mexico. In Proeducacion we believe children need to reach the global expected learning abilities in their schools that help them develop the very much needed competences that will prepare them to lead an acyive, dignified, responsible role in society. Education is the future for our communities and our society.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We are working right now with 111 public schools in 9 states of the Mexican Republic. 107 are elementary schools and 4 are middle schools. In 2022 -2023 we benefitted25,912 members of the school community: 25,912 students, 4,231 parents and 1,369 teachers. We implement our Integral School Model for 6 years in each school that we acompanny. We have different programs in our 8 lines of action, which are implemented by specialists gradually according to each school´s initial evaluation.
We evaluate our progress with an evaluation program specially designed with indicators that show each school´s needs and achievements.
At the end of our 6 year period each school will be phisically renovated and will have a computer lab and an operational library among all the programs designed for parents, teachers and students. Each line of ation has several programs for the improvement of the school and the school community at the center of it all.

How has it been spreading?

With National and International Donors. We have started working with new schools in the State of Oaxaca, in the "Mixe Indigenous Zone" the State of Hidalgo, Zacatecas and now Tamaulipas with our first school in the northern border of Nuevo Laredo. We start working with a new school when we get a new donor, sometimes donors are interested in specific programs, like drug prevention and sometimes they are interested in schools surrounding their area of influence. Our National Donors are enterprises, individual donors, national banks and national foundations. We have had international donors like Estee Lauder which sponsored for 4 years our Gender Equity program which was implemented in various Human Development and Prevention programs.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

You should study our 8 lines of action which are: 1. Permanent learning, 2. Reading Enhancement, 3. Technological Strength, 4. Citizenship & Participation; 5. Human Development & Prevention, 6. Healthy & Nutritional Living, 7. Environment, and 8. Volunteering. Through this lines of action there are courses and workshops imparted to the whole school community, improving the quality of education.

Implementation steps

Study Our Integral School Model
Learn our 8n lines of action and the programs we have implemented with the help of specialists on each subject and try to replicate them.
Implement first 6 year phase of the program
Approach a school, share the model and ask the school director to participáte for a 6 year pilot project, implementing this model according to each school´s initial needs.
Implement our evaluation to see the results at the end of each school year. And make tyhe necessary changes for the next school year.

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