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Game-based platform, accelerating education for neurodivergent children.

Jade is a game-based platform that accelerates the education of neurodivergent children. The solution has 1,500 games that stimulate cognitively and track cognitive data during gameplay, which is converted to educational prognosis and developmental reports. We also train teachers to use this data for an individualized educational approach based on the needs of each child.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
Students early
July 2024
We want to solve the difficulty for professionals to have enough information for a really efficient and individualized educational approach for neurodiverse children, making everyone waste time and money. Today, it is estimated that there are 380 million neurodivergent children in the world.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Jade was born from the dream of a father of an autistic child, who is a data scientist, and who dreamed of being able to help schools around the world to have a more precise and accurate approach to teaching special children.
Jade has a very strong team, such as Ph.D. Neurologist Marcelo Masruha and Neuropsychologist Joice Andrade.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Jade Autism develops educational software which focuses on supporting professionals in offering an individualized approach to the development of children with autism and other neurodiversities. Our evidence-based gamified solution stimulates students’ learning and cognitive development. Activities encourage problem-solving, strategic thinking, and decision-making, in a fun way!
Jade`s App has more than 160,000 downloads and is present in 180 countries. Public and private institutions in Brazil and in the United Kingdom, use the Jade EDU tool in their inclusive learning environment for neurodiverse students.
Jade Autism is an excellent support for teaching and caring for neurodiverse children, providing reports that allow educators to be more practical, agile, and assertive in teaching and developing children.

How has it been spreading?

Apple Store, Play Store and our website.
We have a marketing strategy aimed at each country, very focused on informative content through social networks and our Blog. In 2023 we had 300,000 visits to our content on our informative blog. In B2B we use some strategies, and we have salespeople who assist directly in these sales.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Go to our website,, subscribe and you can start.

Implementation steps

The schools or Teachers subscribe to our website using credit cards.
The teachers receive the information for login and videos of training.
Now the school/teacher will register all the students that are going to use the technology and set up logins for the parents use the app at home. Now the children will play the games in the app.
Now you have the Data
Now, after the children play the game, the school/teacher will receive deep educational prognostic and developmental reports about a lot of cognitive functions of the children, the platform will suggest to the Teacher lessons that will improve and fast-track the learning of the children. Our results can improve by 42% the short and medium-term results in the development.

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