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Junky Monkeys KICKSTARTER Programme

place New Zealand

Helping schools kickstart their own loose parts sheds.

We believe that play is the most effective vehicle for learning. For years, we have introduced loose parts play programs into schools, aiming to plant the seeds of possibility. Last year, we developed a program that goes beyond planting seeds—it nurtures their growth, transforming them into a flourishing forest of schools across Aotearoa, each with its own unique loose parts offering.


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Target group
June 2024
Through having an established loose parts shed on their school grounds, students can access resources at break times and during class time to support their curriculum learning. Schools will value and prioritise time to play for ALL their students. Schools will understand that play is a critical vehicle for learning.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

After delivering many loose parts play programmes to schools over the past 5 years, we wanted to be more than a one off experience. Schools were telling us that they loved us coming to visit, but they didn't have the resources to kick start their own offering.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Our KICKSTARTER programme consists of three steps:

Step 1 – Before
Schools will start by being asked to commit to establishing their own loose parts play offering. They will then be asked to gather a core group of kaiako together, who will receive a 35min online webinar to watch as a team about how to start their own loose parts offering. Finally they will complete an online survey unpacking their vision of what they want to create.

Step 2. During
All schools will receive 1 full day of loose parts play with their students within their own environment.

Step 3. After
Following their day of play the core team will partake in a face to face workshop with our play coach. Here they will start to make an action plan with some achievable next steps.

Following this, they will be offered a further coaching sessions and encouraged to join our online FB group to chat and learning collectively.

How has it been spreading?

When we first asked schools if they were interested in the programme we had 44 schools register that they were interested. We were lucky enough to receive funding to run the programme with 20 schools. We are currently in the process of establishing how many school would be interested for the next round of funding for 2025.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

The best place to start would be to take a look at our resources page on our website about loose parts and play. Get familiar with the research and evidence of why they are needed. Then take a look at our loose parts play starter guide on our website to dive into how to start-

Implementation steps

Step 1 – Before
Schools will start by being asked to commit to establishing their own loose parts play offering. They will then be asked to gather a core group of kaiako together, who will receive a 35min online webinar to watch as a team about how to start their own loose parts offering. Finally they will complete an online survey to give us some baseline date, so we can measure their development.
Step 2. During
All schools will receive 1 full day of loose parts play with their students within their own environment. Ideally our programme will operate outdoors on a field or open court area.
Prior to coming to the programme students would have watched our rules video, and teachers would have been given a hand out about their role on the day. Once groups arrive at the junk no direct instructions are given in how to use the junk, as we want students to explore their own ideas and creativity.
Step 3. After
Following their day of play the core team of teachers will partake in a face to face workshop with our play coach. Here they will start to make an action plan with some achievable next steps to starting their own offering. Following this, they will be offered a second coaching session and encouraged to join our online FB group to learn alongside other schools.

Spread of the innovation

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