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Leadership Lemonade

A community of global educators moving beyond the triage of re-opening C19 schools, to blue-sky thinking about the future of learning

In June 2020, HundrED ambassadors Alex Bell & Karine George convened a group of global school leaders to support their navigation of post-covid school reopening and to build a movement moving away from all that was hindering their children pre-pandemic and seizing the opportunity to build their school, their community and childhood itself back better.


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June 2020
Covid gave school leaders all over the world a huge pile of lemons. In seeking a better world post-Covid, it's time for educators to start making lemonade - that's right for them and the world.

About the innovation

Covid gave lemons. Let's make lemonade solutions!

What we do?

We provide a unique video conference group space for global school leaders to support and learn from each other post Covid-19 lockdown. We

Why we do it?

From thestart of 2020, month by month schoolsaround the world shut down in response toCovid 19. By themiddle of the year, country by country, classby classthey started the process of reopening.

With so muchuncertainty and conflicting advice at levels aboveschoolleadersand yet their school own communities needing reassurance and clearsolutions fortheirfamilies, we created Leadership Lemonade as a safe space for school leaders to discuss their own practical challenges,support eachother and besupported by experienced and expert coaches to find their own solutions as well as practical and inspirational advice from globalpeers.

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