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Learnosity is the global leader in digital assessment solutions.

Serving over 750 customers and more than 40 million learners, our mission is to advance education and learning worldwide with best-in-class technology. Our API-backed, AI-enriched assessment engine makes it easy for modern learning platforms to quickly launch fully featured products, scale on demand, and always meet fast-evolvin


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June 2024
Learnosity is a mission-driven company. We believe that education and learning opportunities should be equitable, inclusive, and accessible to all. Our mission is to advance education and learning worldwide with best-in-class technology.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Our mission is to advance education and learning worldwide with best-in-class technology. By powering the world’s leading learning platforms with our gold-standard assessment engine, we’re accomplishing that mission.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

As we’re designed to be white-label, our gold-standard assessment engine is in fact your gold-standard assessment engine. Our APIs embed seamlessly into your product.

How has it been spreading?

Powering more than 150 of the leading learning platforms and serving more than 40 million learners, we are now part of the fabric of the edtech industry globally.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Visit the Learnosity Demos site for demonstrations of how to use Learnosity to build your ideal assessment and learning platform. Most of them are interactive, allowing you to get the feel of our products with real content.
You may also download the entire site to see how you can easily integrate our services into your own technology stack, or you can browse the code directly on github.

Implementation steps

Request a meeting:
We first explore your needs through discussion and then offer a quote quickly. One of our experienced team will calculate an annual SaaS licence price by looking at your estimated end users, as well as features and support required.
Getting started
Once you’re a Learnosity customer, your account manager and our Developer Support team will work with you to schedule your onboarding, making sure you get the most of the sessions included in your plan. Targeted at the key functions you need to deliver a great Education Technology product, we’ll cover the areas to make sure you’re set up right from day one: Product Managers & Owners, Developers, Authors, and Go-Live Readiness.

Spread of the innovation

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