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Let's READ

place India + 1 more

Nurturing a love for books and reading among children from marginalized communities

Owning a set of books is a distant dream for children living in marginalized communities in India. The Let’s READ carnival seeks to instill a love for reading by providing them with age appropriate and culturally relevant books. We empower children to choose books that match their reading abilities, provide mini libraries, conduct storytelling sessions, making reading a joyful experience.



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Target group
Students basic
May 2024
Owning a set of books is a distant dream for many children from marginalized communities. Opening the world of books through the Let’s READ project opens up a world of possibilities for these children. Children who read are more likely to have: Higher cognitive functioning better communication skills improved academic performance capacity to self-learn and broader perspective & world views

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Education is more than just absorbing facts; it is about expanding cognitive abilities. Reading boosts brain function, cognitive development and academic success, fostering self-learning and imagination. Yet, children from marginalized communities lack access to diverse, culturally relevant books hindering holistic development. The project seeks to bridge this gap and ignite a love for reading.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The Let’s Read campaign fosters curiosity and love for reading amongst children aged 9-14 years. Through book selection, reading and storytelling sessions, children are immersed in the world of books. Each child receives five coupons mapped to their language proficiency levels, empowering them to choose books tailored to their reading levels. Reading journals help them document their reading journeys.
The mini libraries, comprising 130 curated books, ensure easy access and storage in schools. Professional storytellers bring alive the books during storytelling sessions. While teacher training workshops further enhances their ability to create meaningful experiences, ensuring project sustainability.
Detailed assessment exercise is conducted across the schools to ascertain the usage of the books and the overall outcomes achieved. Regular interactions with teachers and students provide qualitative feedback and offers insights into programme impact and scope for improvement.

How has it been spreading?

Our aim is to empower children from marginalized communities and improve their life prospects by fostering a love for reading and lifelong learning. To accomplish this, we have dedicated our efforts to build partnerships with local government and low income schools to mitigate the inequalities in access and quality of education.
Since 2017 Let’s READ has improved access to reading for over 60000 children from underserved communities. As part of the programme, till date 86800+ books sets have been gifted, 900+ mini libraries been setup, 758 storytelling sessions organized impacting 294 schools in India.
By providing mini libraries in schools curated to the reading levels of the children, we aim to improve access to culturally relevant books and increase reading engagement.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

The Let’s Read project brings the joy of reading to children from marginalized communities. Write to us at to explore potential opportunities to partner with you.

Implementation steps

Reading Assessment
A reading assessment is conducted with children to determine their levels of reading. The assessment data would be used to curate book sets and mini libraries that cater to children’s reading abilities and language proficiencies.
Mini Library
We curate mini libraries for children from marginalized communities. These mini libraries are a collection of 130 books neatly arranged in a bag. The Library in a Bag acts as a display case and can be hung up in classrooms or small spaces. The books are curated for children of different age groups, reading abilities and language competencies. The books are in English/Hindi/Marathi. Bilingual books are also included to assist in the learning of a second language.
Book Sets for Children
Each child has an opportunity to choose their own set of 5 books. These books are curated keeping in mind the reading abilities of the children. The children will be encouraged to take the books home, read them and exchange with their friends. The objective is to spark a love for reading amongst the children. The children also receive a bag and a reading journal to record books they have read. The reading journal is used to monitor reading preferences and habits.
Book Reading Sessions and Storytelling
Book reading sessions are conducted by professional storytellers and other experts. Through animated readings, the storytellers will intrigue the children and appeal to their innate curiosity and love for stories. This will encourage the children to go back to the books, seek out more books of a similar kind and express their thoughts and views on the book.
Capacity building of teachers
Teachers of the schools who are gifted the mini libraries will attend a workshop on building reading habits and curiosity among children. They would be taught tips for assisted reading and techniques to foster a love of reading among children. Such sessions would be instrumental in building a sustained culture of reading for children even after the programme ends.

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