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place Nepal + 2 more

Bringing First Gen Students together

Lokopakar is working to equip first gen students with skills and resources so that they get an equal footing while representing themselves and competing in the global market. Lokopakar is gathering never before researched data of first gen students in Nepal, and providing life long skills while also creating a network of first gen students where they can come together and share their experience.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
Students lower
June 2024
More than 80% of students in public school are first gen students. With First Gen Nepal, we hope to see more first generation students from both public and private schools attending and gaining their graduate degree. We aim to create a network of support system where first gen students can seek and provide support for the same.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Being first gen students ourselves, we faced problems in our education and didn't have career guidance. While working with young students, we saw the reflection of our confused school days in the students and realized that it was: first gen student problems. There are no organizations working solely for these students. Hence, we started First Gen Nepal as an effort to ease their problems.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

First Generation Nepal: Breaking the English Language Barrier sessions revolve around conducting team building activities, critical thinking sessions and design thinking, while focusing on learning English. In Nepal, English as a language is taught in a pedagogic and rot learning method. Breaking the English Language Barrier session has been designed including the basics of the English language so that the students can form a base and have a better understanding of the language. They are provided with a workbook and a resource center for learning where they can access all the reading and writing materials as and when required.

Public schools here, are based in Nepali language hence English conversations are not common. With the session, English conversations are included and encouraged so that the students find ease in practicing among their friends and continue to do so in the long run.

How has it been spreading?

First Generation Nepal, has have more than 500 students impacted which first started with only 20 students. We have connected mentees with mentors from respective fields and have a network formed of over 199 members.

From starting with a pilot project of Breaking the English Language Barrier sessions in a community school, then expanding to public schools in the valley. We have conducted the 8 weeks long session in more than 10 schools within the duration of 6 months of its commencement and now are soon expanding to more schools. Facilitators are being trained for the same, and meticulously planned workbook considering all the feedbacks from over 100 students has been designed.

Apart from this, with our other programs, we have impacted overall of over 4100 students in Nepal.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Please feel free to connect with us if you want to add to the resource collection or facilitate our sessions. You can also check our website, or, email us at for more details.

Implementation steps

Connect with us
Reach out to Team Lokopakar and look for a ground of collaboration
Find schools
Lokopakar works with public schools students through both virtual and in-person sessions throughout the country. Hence, it is important to find out the schools which requires and is ready to implement the project.
Program Conduction
Our facilitators will then conduct the programs as per the requirements and the feasibility of the school.

Spread of the innovation

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