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Moki Bands

The wearable that's helping schools to get kids moving.

The vast majority of primary schools fail to provide children with the recommended amount of physical activity. Moki inspires schools to move more by providing an accurate picture of their physical activity. Using a simple wristband that records a students' steps and active minutes, Moki offers educators a unique new way to engage children in their learning, health and wellbeing.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
Students basic
May 2024
We need an education system designed for health and happiness. We hope Moki can play some part in helping schools deliver a more physically active curriculum, not just for PE and sport, but across the whole school day.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

We’re a team of technologists and teachers dedicated to helping schools deliver a healthier, more active, and more fulfilling curriculum for every child and teacher. We believe technology has the potential to help us better serve the needs of schools. Moki can provide them with the expertise, technology and data to build the healthiest, happiest and most engaging learning environments possible.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The Band

The Moki Band is a durable, water-resistant wristband that records both the number of steps and the minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) performed by the wearer. The Moki Band was designed with no screen, so no distractions!

The Reader

Connect the Moki Reader to any Windows PC or Apple Mac via USB. When a Moki Band is tapped on the Reader the data is transferred to the app using contactless payment technology so it's quick, easy and secure.

The App

Measure and motivate the activity of every child in your school, every day with the Moki app. View or print reports with a single click, group students into teams and create custom challenges. You can even invite other Moki schools to take part!

How has it been spreading?

We've been engagaed in marketing activities, mostly via email and social media, but word has spread mostly by word of mouth. When we ask schools how they heard about Moki, the most common answer is that they heard about it from another school that has it. Which is always a very encouraging thing to hear!

If I want to try it, what should I do?

If you'd like to try Moki, simply book a call with us via our website. These 30-minute chats are a great way to get a better understanding of how Moki can work best for your specific setting. Following the call we can arrange a 30-day free trial.

Implementation steps

Connect the Moki Reader
Connect the Moki Reader to an available USB port on your computer. Please note that during general use of Moki it is important that the Reader is connected whenever you attempt to launch the Moki app.
Download the Moki App
Please visit the downloads page by clicking on the url below. Once the Moki App Installer is downloaded, double-click on the file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the Moki App and necessary software on your computer(s). Important - Please make sure you restart your computer(s) following installation of the Moki App where prompted. This step is necessary for the App and Reader
Log in to the Moki Bands App
When you launch the Moki App the first thing you’ll see is the login screen. Use your Moki account details to log in. Your school can run the Moki App on as many computers as you like but you will need to use the same account login details on each one so that all your data is safely stored together in one place.
Add Players to the App
A Player is anyone who is going to be wearing a Moki Band at any point. Simply click Players at the bottom and then click Add in the top right. Fill out the Player information and then click Done. Repeat this process for every Player you’d like to add. You can always Edit a Player at any time so don’t worry if you need to add certain information later. Need to add lots of Players? There is a bulk add feature located in the Help & Settings section which allows you to upload a CSV file to the
Pair Bands to Players
Now that all your Players are in the app you need to assign or Pair them each to a Band. Once a Band is Paired to a Player it will remain theirs indefinitely until it is Paired with another Player. From the Players screen click Pair Bands in the top left. Now you will see a list of available Players. Click a Player from the list and you will see a small prompt under their name asking you to Hold a Band on the Reader. When the Pairing process has been successful the prompt will turn green and s
Syncing the Bands
A Sync is simply the process of tapping a Band on the Reader in order to transfer the activity data from the Band to the App. Once a Band is Paired you must wait 30 minutes before attempting your first Sync. After those 30 minutes have passed a Player can simply hold a Band on the Reader to Sync and their activity will be transferred to the App and stored. A Sync can be performed when the App is open on any screen. Players can Sync bands as often as they like. Please be aware that Moki Bands
Daily Routine
Once you have paired a Moki Band to each Player you have two choices: Players keep their Bands and wear them either just at school or at home too. They can Sync their Bands as often as they like but should do so at least once every 7 days. Players return their Bands at the end of the day after Syncing. The next morning Players can be Paired with a new Band for the day. Don’t worry, this is not a choice you have to stick with. You can always start off one way and then switch to the other.

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