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Paper and plast revive

This is a project aimed at reducing plastic and paper waste in order to reduce the spread of malaria

The innovation aims to reuse , reduce plastics and paper waste in order to stop the rapid spread of malaria which is a rampant killer in Nyanza of Kenya . The benefit of this innovation is that it will able to keep a clean and healthy environment for all plants ,water and the people .The key benefit of the innovation is that the project works with people to teach them to protect the environment


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.






Target group
September 2024
The idea that paper can also be dangerous and every single thing has to be used in a limit as it affects the way our ecosystems.In short, when something good is used well, it will be good, but when used badly, it contains various effects that cost a lot, ranging from paper to plastic and all .

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

I created this innovation to be able to help my whole community in stopping the spread of malaria through reducing plastic waste in the community equally I did this to curb the number of deaths caused by malaria that plastic catalyzes the spread . My aim was to reduce the malaria death rate of children in my community and help create a better and healthier world for the fish in lake Victoria

What does your innovation look like in practice?

It includes volunteering and teaching the community on taking care of the environment and ways in which they can better their lives ...working with children to show them how

How has it been spreading?

I have been using different platforms such as churches and schools in my community

If I want to try it, what should I do?

You should plant a tree and encourage the people around younto plant a tree or reuse plastic and then teach on the dangers of plastics to our environment and health and paper to our water bodies

Implementation steps

Teach the importance of a better world for the future
Learn on how a better world would look like then collect all the trash you see around if any plastic or paper is in it single them out. Use the used plastic or paper to make something creative or use full form your self that you will use everyday ...for example cut a plastic bottle into half and use it as a pencil holder and the other half use it as a funnel
Share with your friends
Tell your friend the information you learnt about plastics and how you think you can reduce it in your community together with paper waster and make sure your friend also makes a different thing using waste plastic or paper
Mark it
Ask an adult to help you plant a tree and make sure your classmates vote for the plant a tree on your birthday bill to make a greater and better environment for our future generations .Trees are important as they help to act as carbon sink that help capture the carbon that is to much in the world , if we plant more trees and plants we capture more of it and can help restore our eco system

Spread of the innovation

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