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peddle innovation labs (Peddle ilabs )

place Nigeria

Bridging the digital divide and transforming lives through accessible education .

Peddle ilabs is a mobile and digital classroom innovatively designed to fit in a box and accommodate a minimum of 50 mini computers that are powered by solar Energy with a digital platform for gamified learning. This affords young people from the poorest households such as refugee camps to instantly convert already existing space anywhere into a digital classroom for learning .
HundrED 2023


HundrED has selected this innovation to

HundrED Global Collection 2023

Updated January 2025
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All students
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I believe peddle ilabs is important because it prepares learners for the present and future realities of work.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Half of the world's poorest children have no access to digital education due to poverty and Geographic isolation . 70% of Nigeria's youth live in underserved communities and do not have stable economic opportunities, one-third are unemployed, it is estimated that ICT will create 2 million jobs in Africa over the next 5 years, But only 1% of Nigerian children leave school with basic ICT skills

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We built peddle ilabs on the idea that the  more students get  involved in hands on practical learning using Computers the more likely the child will be a life long learner and a value addition to the society.
Our innovation is a mobile and digital classroom that is fitted either on a bicycle or motor cycle driven by an interractive study platform with mini computers powered by solar energy ,this technology affords  young people from the poorest households rural and lower income communities to instantly convert already existing space at home or in school into digital classrooms for learning Digital skills, such as coding,  computer programming, robotics, graphics designs and computer appreciation this method has proven to be very effective as we have so far impacted over 3,000 students and have reached over 8,000 youths and still counting.
Peddle ilabs eliminates the huge cost invested in building traditional school ICT laboratories there by accelerating quick expansion and impact.

How has it been spreading?

The presence of peddle ilabs in engaged communities , has shown an increased level of Youth Employment, Learning practical ICT in schools where peddle ilabs is presence has shown an increase in the overall performance of students in computer based test (CBT) examinations and a 70% improved test scores .
With an impact of over 8,000 youth and 3000 young students been connected to ICT Skills and digital education ,covering over 30 schools and 10 ICT training centres within Nigeria.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Adopting peddle ilabs to other context has to go from Understanding how peddle ilabs works, target Beneficiaries and outcomes expected, the management of peddle ilabs should be reached in such situations.

Impact & scalability

HundrED Academy Reviews

This is an incredible idea that can be adopted in many countries in rural areas where there is no connectivity. It opens a wide range of opportunities for children around the world. Bravo!

Geographic location, SES, infrastructure, etc. should not limit access to and use of digital learning tools in education spaces. Peddle iLab bridges the tech equity gap in the most clever of ways!

- Academy member
Academy review results
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