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Programa Santos Jovem Doutor (Santos Young Doctor Program)

place Brazil

School community aware and mobilized to promote health.

It is a multiprofessional activity that uses Telemedicine resources, distance and hybrid learning and Virtual Human Project with the purpose of encouraging students to make cooperative work that promotes health and improve life quality in poor communities through a sustainable action. Santos Young Doctor Program involves students, school Community and their colleagues, by sensitizing about health.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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Target group
Students basic
May 2024
To be able to awaken students' curiosity and passion for science and knowledge and transform them into multipliers of good information. Being able to transform the scientific knowledge produced in universities into tangible knowledge for students to learn. Encourage students to enter universities.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

This initiative was born out of the need to talking to youngsters from middle school about personal, collective, and social health issues. The Program promotes knowledge about health and disease prevention (primary care).

What does your innovation look like in practice?

One of the Santos Young Doctor methodology principles is to encourage critical and Scientific thinking among students. To do so, its methodology is based on the Brazilian Guidelines and Basis of Educationional Law and National Common Curriculum Basis (BNCC), that have 10 general competency contemplated in the Program. Moreover, the Program integrates 4 sustainable development goals (3, 4, 10 and 17). Even before remote learning becoming reality because of pandemics, hybrid learning was already part of our students’ routine with the use of Young Doctor digital platforms, tablets, research websites, apps, videos and movies with the support of books, magazines and data documents. For the synthesis, mind maps, word cloud, and glossary (Program’s method routine) to be meaningful, students experience, and insights are shared and deepen through team based learning; and for spreading knowledge strategy, we apply design thinking for concepting a plan of action according to a target audience.

How has it been spreading?

We are already in 100% of municipal schools in Santos with elementary II, with eighth and ninth grade students, expanding to seventh grade students. Through the health actions that Young People apply within schools and their communities, the program is publicized.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

To participate, you must be enrolled in the municipal school of Santos, in the seventh, eighth or ninth year and participate in a process of interest.

Implementation steps

How to apply a Project similar to Santos Jovem Doutor
The first step is presenting the idea to education autority or school management team. It is very important that the institution can be a partner of a University with health curses. Then, it is necessary to establish the Project coordenation team, space and gagets (computer/ tablet) necessaries to realize diferents reasearchs and invite the interested teacher who need to be trained in Jovem Doutor metodology and finally, the studants should be invited.

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