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EMPOWER CHANGE: One Commitment at a Time

ReliablyME transforms education by integrating real-world applications with academic learning, using blockchain technology to securely record achievements. This enhances student employability and engagement by providing a verifiable portfolio, making education more relevant and impactful in the modern workforce.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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May 2024
ReliablyME aims to transform education by fostering a culture of accountability and engagement through blockchain-verified achievements. We strive to bridge the gap between academic learning and practical skills, ensuring students are prepared for the workforce with verifiable and valued accomplishments. This approach enhances educational relevance and career readiness.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

ReliablyME was created to bridge the gap between academic learning and the practical skills demanded by today's workforce. Using blockchain technology, it securely tracks and verifies student achievements, enhancing employability and engagement by providing a verifiable record of skills and reliability.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

ReliablyME operates as a digital platform enhancing learning and professional growth through blockchain-verified commitments. Here's how it functions:

1. Commitment Tracking: Users track educational and professional commitments.
2. Automated Nudges: Personalized reminders keep users aligned with their goals.
3. Earning Badges: Achievements are recognized with digital badges, securely stored and verifiable.
4. Feedback Mechanism: Continuous feedback aids in personal and professional development.
5. Portfolio Showcase: Users display their verified achievements to potential employers or institutions.
6. Access for Employers/Educators: Allows verification of user achievements, ensuring authenticity.

This system increases engagement, accountability, and visibility, significantly enhancing the educational and professional experiences.

How has it been spreading?

We have run multiple successful pilot implementations with student interns. See our case studies:

If I want to try it, what should I do?

To try it:
1. Watch this demo:
2. Read this FAQ:
3. Message "Hi" to WhatsApp +16474904903 (easier to use this link: or text “Hi” to SMS 8312906400 US Pacific; 8176622382 in Central US; 3215944485 US Eastern; 6475609919 in Canada.

Implementation steps

Administrator: Login via Web
Administrators use their email address and password to log into the system through the web app to manage settings and oversee the entire process.
Administrator: Define Badges
Create and customize badges that can be awarded to teachers and learners for various achievements and milestones within the platform.
Administrator: Establish Commitment Policies
Formulate and enforce policies regarding commitments, defining the criteria for their completion and the conditions under which badges are awarded.
Teachers: Sign Up via Messaging App
Teachers can sign up using SMS or WhatsApp through a dedicated chatbot, providing only their name (or pseudo-name) and time zone. Optionally, they may also use the mobile or web app.
Teachers: Request Commitments from Learners
Initiate commitments by setting specific goals and expectations for learners, ensuring alignment with the educational objectives set by administrators.
Teachers: Monitor Progress and Issue Badges
Keep track of learners’ progress on commitments, provide feedback through the same messaging platforms or apps, and issue completion badges upon fulfillment of the commitments.
Learners: Sign Up via Messaging App
Learners register on the platform using SMS or WhatsApp through a chatbot, providing their name (or pseudo-name) and time zone. They can also opt to use the mobile or web app.
Learners: Accept and Manage Commitments
Review and accept commitments from teachers, actively managing them through the messaging interface, mobile app, or web app.
Learners: Respond to Nudge Questions and Request Badges
Engage with automated nudge questions sent via the chatbot to stay on track and request completion badges from teachers once they meet the commitment criteria.

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