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Saya E Khuda E Zuljlal - Empowering Slum Children

Slums to School

At Saya E Khuda E Zuljlal, we aim to empower the children of slums and their families to set a good example for community service. Our chief goals are to provide quality education, health services, and, most importantly, self-awareness for those slum families. We can make future leaders out of these children by giving them quality education and basic facilities.


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April 2023
We hope every slum child in Pakistan can get a quality education and other necessities of life, including shelter, food, and health facilities. By building schools and providing quality education, we are giving a strong message that every positive change can only come through education.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

By giving the slum population access to essentials like food, water, shelter, education, and healthcare, our organization hopes to meet their requirements. Slum settlements frequently receive little attention from the general public and lack the fundamental infrastructure and supplies needed to live in dignity. By collaborating with the community members, we can solve their particular problems.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We are able to build slum schools for the children of this underdeveloped community. Giving them quality education helps their self-esteem grow and develops a sense of responsibility and acceptance towards society. SKZ provides these children with daily meals, uniforms and books, and other necessities. These children have completed their seventh annual study year recently, and their families were very happy about this achievement. Yes, it does involve proper school curriculum from the Punjab textbook board in Pakistan, and these schools come under the Higher education commission. We are currently giving education to slum children who are under 13 years of age which roughly makes up the 5th standard of the school.

How has it been spreading?

We have 4 slum schools in village Tissar ( a union-council of sugar valley ) in Gilgit Baltistan covering around 600 + children and are progressing with full effect. Along with this, we also have a school in Lahore Sabzazar D-block covering around 100 children.
Moreover, SKZ has also started some projects, including the Food Package, Adopt a Child, Zakat, Income Generation, and Provide a Teacher in the Gilgit Baltistan project. We are planning to build a school in Lahore, Pakistan, and we also want to expand the network of schools in Gilgit Baltistan because it is a remote area and access to education is almost nil.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

They should follow the same sustainable goal concepts which SKZ has followed and contact Dr.Hifza Khan for further details and understanding of how she started and reached such a height of glory.
Contact: +44 020 3286 0786

Implementation steps

Reaching out to slums and understanding them
Reaching out to slums and learning about the difficulties encountered by their inhabitants is a modest but essential first step in meeting their needs. By actively interacting with the community, we may learn more about their particular difficulties, such as poverty, lack of access to basic utilities, healthcare, and education. Instead of imposing a one-size-fits-all approach, this understanding enables us to build customized treatments suited to individual requirements.
Build a proper team
To contribute various viewpoints and ideas, it is essential to have a diverse staff with distinct skill sets, backgrounds, and experiences. Team members should be passionate about making a positive social effect and dedicated to helping the community. Teamwork requires effective delegation, coordination, and communication. Regular chances for training and development also improve the team's skills and capacities, enabling them to accomplish the objectives more successfully.
Look for charity sources and its utilization
Finding possible sponsors, partners, and contributors who share the goals and objectives of the organization is a necessary step. Grant applications, crowdfunding campaigns, and donation drives are just a few examples of fundraising activities that might assist in securing the cash required to complete community service initiatives. After the money is acquired, it is essential to deliberately and openly distribute them to be used for their intended purpose.

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