In 2017 we ran a needs analysis in early years settings for refugees run by IRC, Caritas and Ana Aqra. We saw 5-year-olds sitting at desks copying from a board. We designed the Playkit as a cost-effective, child-centred and play-based solution to the low inclusivity and behaviour management issues we observed - issues faced across the region and backed up by government review (RACE, LCRP & JRP).
The Playkit app gives teachers access to hundreds of classroom games, interactive stories, songs & classroom management ideas, all searchable by curriculum topic. The app hosts how-to videos, music tracks, printable flashcards and simple instructions - and all content is in Arabic & English. The Playkit is usually delivered with a 3-day, in-person training.
We aim to improve teacher's child-centred delivery, inclusivity & behaviour management, boosting their children's engagement in learning & life skills. We continually evaluate our impact; here are figures from 2023:
- 94% of teachers find it easier to include all children (47% found it a challenge before)
- 86% agree behaviour management is easier (66% found it a major challenge before)
- 92% of teachers use Seenaryo songs every day (only 51% used songs at all before)
- 86% agree children's learning has improved
"Mouaz was destructive at school and home... through engaging with these activities, he knows how to regulate"
Our clients (many paying, some subsidised) are NGOs & agencies (e.g. UNRWA), public & private schools. The Playkit has been delivered to 4293 teachers in 420 schools, reaching 97,454 children.
During COVID-19, Terre Des Hommes, War Child & AVSI commissioned us to adapt the Playkit: we created video lessons for caregivers, delivered via WhatsApp. These reached 9,500 children, 93% of whom met Ministry milestones in an external evaluation.
The Playkit was one of 120 Expo 2020 Dubai Global Innovators (from 6000+ applicants), took part in Saving Brains 2021, an accelerator for early years interventions, was selected as a 2023 MIT Solve LEAP Project Host, and is currently partnered with UCL's Institute of Education on evaluation & endorsement. In summer 2024 we will run trainings in Palestine.
Visit, or download the Seenaryo Playkit from the Apple or Google store. You can also email, and follow our social media (@seenary0 on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn).