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Yes to Taste, No to Waste (Small Change Big Difference)

Experiential Learning on the topic of Food Waste and Healthy Sustainable food

Small Change Big Difference is a food focused campaign. Funded by the LIFE program of the European Commission the project works with 24 schools across 9 London boroughs. The aim of the program is to raise awareness of food waste and encourage healthy and sustainable eating. Each school receives 6 workshops, based on Experiential Learning where pupils have the opportunity to ‘learn through doing’.


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Updated August 2018
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All students
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I strongly recommend any KS2 class to take part. The children really enjoyed it and it linked fantastically to Rights, Respecting School and Global Goals.

About the innovation

Yes to Taste, No to Waste

The curriculum-linked programme is created and designed by teachers (via a teacher panel), for teachers. In its creation the teacher panel reviewed each workshop to ensure they were relevant to current pedagogies. Each school who takes part receives 6 workshops, all based on Experiential Learning where pupils have the opportunity to ‘learn through doing’ through interactive activities. The program culminates in a student-designed campaign day based on a model of co-production. Pupils make decisions about the concepts and community involvement, and take on full ownership of the day.

Workshop 1: Preventing Food waste and Recycling

Workshop 2: Healthy and Sustainable Eating

Workshop 3: Pupil-led planning of the campaign day

Workshop 4: Pupil-led promotion of the campaign day

Workshop 5: THE CAMPAIGN DAY. Pupils choose a campaign on the topic of food waste. Past campaigns have focused on; using surplus fruit to make smoothies for parents and peer, designing a recipe book using common leftovers, and a caddy campaign to encourage others in the community to recycle food more frequently.

Through this pupil-led campaign day children have the opportunity to take action to reduce food waste and tell others, becoming ambassadors for change. Their learning is consolidated through action.

Workshop 6: Sharing Learning (via assemblies, video links etc)

The programme has been received with enthusiasm and inspired both pupils and parents. Some feedback quotes are below:

"I loved being a food waste warrior because it was an amazing feeling teaching others top tips to avoid food waste"

"This has been the best school project because me, my mum, dad and brother are now really passionate about not wasting food."

"The lessons were such fun and I loved collecting food waste pledges from the parents."

"My favourite things we did were playing the snakes & ladders game and the trolley game (because I was good at it), and cycling to create a smoothie. They were not only fun, but also I learnt a lot as well and will remember you and continue to preserve this Earth." Bursted Wood Year 5 Pupils

Small Change Big Difference (SCBD) was launched in 2017 as part of the larger, EU funded TRiFOCAL project which aims to Transform City FOod hAbits for Life. TRiFOCAL is an initiative being led by Resource London - the partnership between WRAP and LWARB - together with Groundwork London. The EU LIFE funded programme aims to deliver the initiative in London, as a test bed for other European cities.

Impact & scalability


Small Change Big Difference in Schools
Here is an example lesson plan for teachers to download and use. We intend to write up a package of 6 lesson plans for teachers to be able to run the programme independently. This will be done in March 2019, when all the programme learning has taken place. In the meantime, here's a taster, with workshop 2, available to download now. This workshop is on the topic of healthy and sustainable food. It focuses on raising awareness of food that's good for people and good for the planet. 
Here is an example lesson plan for teachers to download and use. We intend to write up a package of 6 lesson plans for teachers to be able to run the programme independently. This will be done in March 2019, when all the programme learning has taken place. In the meantime, here's a taster, with workshop 2, available to download now. This workshop is on the topic of healthy and sustainable food. It focuses on raising awareness of food that's good for people and good for the planet. 
Here is an example lesson plan for teachers to download and use. We intend to write up a package of 6 lesson plans for teachers to be able to run the programme independently. This will be done in March 2019, when all the programme learning has taken place. In the meantime, here's a taster, with workshop 2, available to download now. This workshop is on the topic of healthy and sustainable food. It focuses on raising awareness of food that's good for people and good for the planet. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
In Bursted Wood Primary, Bexely, London, pupils held a campaign day. The purpose of the campaign day was to encourage a whole school approach, with pupils at the forefront, spreading their learning around sustainable food. Pupils created healthy smoothies using surplus fruit that was either wonky, frozen or bruised, using this fruit that would have gone to waste, to create delicious smoothies instead. Parents supported the campaign by creating their own recipes using leftovers, parents made banana cake, fruit kebabs and cous cous salad. 206 Parents made pledges or contributed recipes, and 360 pupils were engaged in the food action campaign. The school created a recipe book with all their left over recipes and they put together an Action Plan, with key things they can do to continue their excellent food action campaign. 
Reduce food waste and save money with Small Change Big Difference workshops in Brixton, 15th Aug & 12th Sept 2018
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