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Youth Eco Summit Festivals - Do something good in your part of the planet

The climate emergency will have the greatest negative impact on the youngest in our society. Yet research shows that this generation of young people have the greatest disconnect with nature. YESfest is a series of youth festivals designed to deepen children's connection to nature and give them the knowledge, skills, enthusiasm and network to become climate activists in their own community.


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Web presence






Target group
Students lower
May 2024
To build a meamingful community of even younger people with the knowledge, skills, enthusiasm and networks to become effective climate activists as soon as possible.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Too many children are disconnected to nature.
Our 'why' for this innovation is to reconnect them with the natural world and build communities of stewards of the planet. We see two key drivers for this. To address the youth mental pandemic and to ensure they gain the knowledge, skills, understanding and networks in order to become stewards of their part of the planet.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

A series of in-person one and two day events combining the community engagement aspects of a festival and the core knowledge and skills exchange of a summit.

In 2024 there are three YESfest events:

With hybrid workshop and speaker contributions from young people in the USA, Ghana, India and Indonesia - and in-person youth delegates aged 8-10 from across the UK. These will be bespoke to each location and combine practical, hands-on workshops led by young people, communication workshops, knowledge exchanges and case study sharing from youth projects over the previous year.
A two day camping event at a community farm

How has it been spreading?

We had one proof of concept event in London for 100 young people representing 15 schools from across the UK in 2023 - they created a range of impact stories from the 4,500 student communities they represented that have been shared in regular video catch ups through the last 12 months. These ranged from sourcing and planting 1,000 trees in their local community to successfully lobbying local politicians to prevent chemical runoff in their local streams.
In 2024 there are three YESfest events happening over five days in total in London, North and South West England. We have also connected to international youth communities in India, Ghana, Indonesia and the USA to join these events via video conference building aninternational community of climate activists using cosmolocalism principles

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Attend a YESfest in person or join us online to share what you are doing for your part of the planet. Or learn what others are doing for their part off the planet.


Implementation steps

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