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Schools 48 Hour Film Challenge

Taking learning outside of the classroom

Imagine sparking creativity in students! The Schools' 48 Hour Film Challenge does just that. It's a fun, fast-paced filmmaking challenge where students collaborate, write, shoot, and edit a film in just two days. We provide free resources, workshops, and industry connections, while they unleash their imagination and discover a passion for filmmaking. Students love it and parents love it!



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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Target group
April 2024
We have a few ambitions, firstly to highlight the need for more creative subjects and opportunities in the current curriculum provision. Children thrive on relevance and projects that allow them to explore and develop their skills independently. Also, to create more cohesion between the ever growing multi billion pound film industry and regional range of talent emerging from the classrooms.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

The students we work with enjoy time limited challenges that stretch them creatively. The film industry is growing exponentially and the range of careers with in it are vast. We decided to adapt the adult 48 Hour Film Challenge model and create the challenge for kids aged 7-18 years. To give them the opportunity to experience the whole range of critical thinking skills needed to produce a film.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Our aim to keep the challenge as a low cost and easy access challenge. We provide free online workshops and resources for all the challengers in the run up to the event. As the event happens over a weekend, we provide the support and guidance for the parents supervising the groups or individuals. We have growing support from film industry professionals, who provide support and time for free. Each year we witness how our young filmmakers stretch themselves with their creativity, team working, storytelling, problem solving and critical thinking. The challenge is also supported by undergraduate film students, who act as mentors for the teams during the weekend.
Our ethos is to provide a well supported experience for our young filmmakers and families. We also ensure that every challenger is acknowledged with feedback, a certificate and a medal, all during a celebration event, where the judges announce their special awards for stand out films. Film entry fees go to local youth charities.

How has it been spreading?

We have been growing steadily in Bristol, however in 2024 I have opened the challenge up to 4 other regions to ensure that more children from all backgrounds and regions can have the opportunity to participate.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Visit our website:
All the equipment needed is a smartphone and free editing software and lots of imagination!

Implementation steps

Understanding the Challenge
Schools, parents and students ensure that they understand the parameters of the challenge and the rules. Everything can be found on our website. Schools are encouraged to share the opportunity with their students.
Register and use the resources
All year around resources and workshops are available online for the teams to use to prepare for the challenge. the resources are supplied by sponsors in areas of the film industry.
Create teams or solo entries, with Team Leaders
The challenge happens over a weekend traditionally, so parents are required to supervise the teams. We provide training for the adult Team Leaders if they need it, so that they are aware of their responsibilities and provide guidance regarding how to ensure that their teams have stress free fun.
The 48 Hour Challenge
On the Friday of the challenge an individual email is sent to all the Team Leaders, they will have the 3 key elements sent to them at exactly the same time. The elements are a prop, character or character trait and a line of dialogue that must appear in their films.
We then support the teams remotely with questions and support over the 48 hours, using social media to share progress. We then receive the films on the Sunday afternoon and collate them ready for feedback and judging.
Celebration Event
In the following months, we put on a celebration event. Sometime online or in person. We aim to treat all the students life professional A listers. We show the films and celebrate all their achievements, as the challenge can be quite tense but enjoyable. Every child receives a medal and certificate with feedback. Shortlisted films are judges by industry professionals and special awards are given for stand out work.
All films are then posted on the website for everyone to see and share. A huge achievement for everyone taking part.

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