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Better World Ed

Global Social Emotional Learning That's Globally Adaptive

Better World Ed is the globally adaptive curriculum resource to help you(th) love learning about self, others, and our world. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) that’s engaging, real-world, and academic.


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March 2023
SEL can't be taught as an "add-on" -- it must be integrated into literacy and numeracy lessons. Better World Ed's content engages educators and students in diverse cultures, while teaching key skills.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Too many of us grow up without support to practice understanding diverse people, cultures, mindsets, perspectives, and ways of life. Without support in learning to learn. Lots of brainstorming. Not enough “heartstorming”. Not enough education for our hearts. When we don’t use our empathy and critical thinking muscles, our ability to see one another as unique and whole humans starts to wither away.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We create original curriculum content called Global Learning Journeys:

Wordless Videos about amazing people carefully designed to teach curiosity before judgment. Lifelong wonder.
Real-World Stories & Questions about diverse ways of life that weave empathy and compassion building with math and literacy practice. Purposeful understanding.
Research-Backed, Dynamic Lesson Plans integrate the wordless videos & written stories with your academic curriculum standards — in a human, joyful, and inclusive way.

We love learning with and from educators and students, who share powerful stories of the impact this curriculum is having ( Tony Wagner's take: “Better World Ed is breaking new ground in teaching students essential 21st century skills while also developing their capacity for empathy, all while practicing literacy and numeracy in an important way.”

How has it been spreading?

Teachers are now using the resources in multiple countries, which is inspiring and powerful to see. Next up: reach hundreds of thousands of educators and reach millions of students around the world, as we grow our curriculum content globally too.

The magic: the resources are used by both educators and students. Teachers find it to be a meaningful PD experience, just as much as a useful tool for classroom learning.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Head to to learn more, or if you're feeling "whoa, I have to get involved NOW!"

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