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Cultivating Meaning and Purpose in Education

Together We Thrive: Fostering Connection and Flourishing

The cornerstone of our innovation was the Meaning and Purpose Research, a comprehensive study involving surveys, focus groups, and interviews with our entire school community. This initiative led us to create an environment where academic and emotional growth mutually reinforce each other. Our initiative presents a model that harmonizes educational excellence with the well-being of our community.


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Target group
Students upper
May 2024
Through our innovation, we hope to see a transformative shift in education that balances academic excellence with enhanced well-being, creating a more supportive and holistic learning environment for all students.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

The challenges of the post-COVID era, the latest research in neuroscience, and our comprehensive 'Meaning and Purpose' research led us to recognize the need for change - to transform our school into an institution that prioritizes human well-being rather than academic achievement.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Our school's innovation redefines education by balancing academic excellence with human well-being, guided by our updated vision and mission. Professional development days equip educators with the latest strategies to effectively implement this philosophy, supported by expert insights. Community building and collaborative goal setting among faculty ensure a unified application of our values.

Classroom curricula now integrate social and emotional learning (SEL) with academic subjects, providing a holistic educational experience that prepares students for real-world challenges. Feedback mechanisms, including student surveys and reflections from both teachers and students, are crucial. They allow us to continually refine our approaches, ensuring our methods remain dynamic and responsive to our community's needs. This innovative model evolves with stakeholder input and ongoing research, significantly enhancing both the educational environment and overall student development.

How has it been spreading?

We initiated our innovation with a group of volunteer teachers eager to implement it. We then expanded to two specific grade levels to pilot and refine our approach. Following this, we integrated the innovation into our IB DP development plan. Gradually, it has been spreading across all levels and programs, ensuring a comprehensive integration throughout our school.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

engaging stakeholders for input and support / beginning with a group of volunteer teachers to pilot the approach in select grade levels, allowing for initial testing and adjustments / regularly collecting feedback from all involved to evaluate the impact and refine the methods / ensuring teachers receive necessary training and support / Continuously monitoring the implementation


Implementation steps

Together We Thrive: Fostering Connection and Flourishing
Engage Stakeholders
Form a Pilot Group
Pilot the Innovation
Collect Feedback and Reflect
Expand Gradually
Foster Continuous Collaboration
Provide Training and Support
Monitor and Adjust

Spread of the innovation

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