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EmpowerED: Data-Driven Language Learning

From Lost to Engaged: A Celebration of Learning

Our program combines a thorough English language assessment with targeted teacher training, offering more than just a test. We provide actionable insights to adapt teaching methods for individual, classroom, and school-wide needs, designing pathways for personalized learning. With a focus on data-driven teaching, we aim to foster self-confidence and efficacy in English language teaching.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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Target group
Students basic
April 2024
Our dream is to see transformative change in language education, where all learners have the support and resources to succeed. We aim to empower both students and teachers to be more confident in their decisions. Through data-driven program management and celebrating progress rather than fixed goals, we envision a more inclusive, personalized language education.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Drawing on over 10 years of experience, we have observed a significant challenge: curriculum and materials often do not align with student levels, and decisions regarding them are not based on reliable data. This mismatch leads to ineffective language teaching and learning. Our goal was to offer a solution that goes beyond mere testing, providing educators with insights to personalized learning.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Our approach is rooted in data-driven decision-making, addressing the need for school-wide impact.

In practice, TOEFL YSS assessments are conducted regularly, usually at the beginning and at the end of the school year, evaluating students' language competencies in reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

The detailed feedback enables schools to gain insights into students’ strengths and weaknesses. Using this information, teachers can personalize instruction by designing targeted interventions, adapting teaching methods, and providing additional support where needed. Our training programs help educators effectively interpret assessment data and use feedback in their instructional planning and delivery.

We offer both paper-based and digital testing options, along with online and in-person training. Our effectiveness is measured through qualitative and quantitative methods, supported by rigorous research and validation studies, ensuring assessment validity and reliability.

How has it been spreading?

Over the last 1-2 years, our solution has spread through targeted outreach to schools, institutions, and networks, aiding in revising and adapting English programs. Achievements include increased adoption rates, improved performance, successful teacher training program implementations, and positive educator feedback on student outcomes. Notable milestones include a KA2 Erasmus program completion with an exceptional final score of 90 and an Educational Alliance Finland Accreditation with an outstanding score of 92.

Our goals for the next 2-3 years involve expanding to new regions, boosting participation in training programs, and validating effectiveness through research. We aim to establish partnerships with educational organizations and governments to standardize our program.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

If someone is interested, they can contact our team to discuss their specific needs and objectives. They can reach out to us via our website. Our team will provide guidance on how to implement TOEFL YSS, including assessment options, training programs, and support resources and recommendations tailored to their context.

Implementation steps

Step 1: Introduction to TOEFL YSS and Scoring Framework
- Provide comprehensive understanding of TOEFL Young Students Series and scoring framework through workshops and trainings.
- Review content and skills assessed, decide on assessment program.
- Establish collaborative teams between teachers who use the assessments along with our academic team.
Step 2: Start-of-year test administration
Students take the assessments at the beginning of the year to map out their skills and competencies in difference areas of English language.
Step 3: Collaborative Data Inquiry Session
- Bring together core team members to enhance understanding of assessment data.
- Utilize institutional reports to analyze assessment results using a data inquiry protocol.
Overview of the data.
Descriptive analysis of results.
Interpretation of the data.
Step 4: Creating Action Plans
- Compare students' results with other sources of information.
- Use a framework for decision-making based on research.
- Teachers work in groups to decide on actions, resources, and create action plans with timelines.
Step 5: Progress Check Meetings
- Regular meetings for sharing insights, evaluating resources, and assessing implementation effectiveness.
- Review and adjust the timeline for chosen actions as needed.
Step 6: End-of-year test administration
Students take the assessments at the end of the school year.
Step 7: Understanding Assessment Data and Final Evaluation
- Review assessment data at the end of the school year to track student progress.
- Celebrate achievements, measure growth, identify learning trends, and provide feedback.
- Evaluate instructional effectiveness and set new academic goals for the next school year.
- Support policy decisions based on assessment data.

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