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Fostering Environmental Awareness through Math

place Lima, Peru

Be the perfect 10 on a path filled with trees.

Global warming is affecting the natural ecosystems of our planet, causing a collapse in the rate of life, while also provoking exhaustion of essential resources. That's why, through my project, based on a methodology of obtaining the "volume" of anything using (Lagrange's Theorem, Integrals, etc.), I intend to promote environmental awareness by demonstrating the volume of non-recyclable objects.


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Updated March 2024
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Students upper
Target group
I'd like to highlight the problem of global warming that is engulfing our planet. Environmental education is important because its teaching can halt, and hopefully improve, the painful degradation of nature in recent years. With this project, I not only want to instill a way to put a stop to those companies but also to empower them to educate others about the importance of caring for the planet.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

I created this methodology for the volumetric calculation of anything through mathematics (soon, I plan to launch a Beta version of the application I am developing to streamline the calculation process) to obtain the volumetric space of utilities such as plastic or glass products that are alarmingly produced in my city. With this data, I aim to create environmental awareness campaigns.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

This methodology could be employed anywhere in the world. For example, if there is an event similar to what's happening in my city, where manufacturing companies of consumable containers are producing uncontrollably and are not recyclable, a person could use this methodology to calculate the volume of a single object. This data could then be multiplied by the production quantity to form evidence-based campaigns.

How has it been spreading?

I have been working with this methodology for over 4 years, creating my own awareness campaigns in local schools to highlight that the containers found in stores are the primary source of decay and degradation in our city. By sharing this research, both high school students and university students have the ability to create their own environmental awareness campaigns to spread ecological awareness.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Basic mathematics (simple proportion), advanced mathematics (Lagrange's theorem, integrals, disk theorem), proficiency in software such as Geogebra, and creativity.

Implementation steps

Step 1
Choose an object of study from which you wish to obtain the volume (in this hypothetical case, I will choose a bottle).
Step 2
Measure its dimensions (height, width, length), or you can find them online.
Step 3
Obtain a photo (without background) with the previously searched dimensions.
Step 4
Open the Geogebra software to paste the image.
Step 5
Draw the outline of the bottle with equations of first and second degree (third degree if desired).
Step 6
Using the points from the equations, apply Lagrange's theorem.
Step 7
Obtaining the equations that draw the bottles, use partial integrals and the disk theorem to obtain the volume of the bottle.
Step 8
Sum the result of all equations to obtain the total volume occupied by a bottle.
Step 9
With this singular data of the object, search on Google for the amount of production of this container by the company and multiply to obtain the total volumetric pollution per year.

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