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Engaging first language classes for every student, made possible by edtech accessible to any teacher

With MAGOS we ensure no first language class is wasted for no child. MAGOS is an innovative educational resource that transforms the primary first language classroom into a more motivating, personalized and collaborative learning experience for each child, enabled by a hybrid technology that is useful and easy for any teacher to use.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
Students basic
April 2024
We hope to see School where every child has access to engaging experiences that unlock their full potential and ignite passion for learning. One that no child leaves without foundational literacy and numeracy skills, regardless of his/her background.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

According to UNESCO, more than 50% of students will end school without being able to read a story or do some basic math.
We created MAGOS to fight learning poverty, and ensure no child will end school without the minimum proficiency in literacy, as foundational skill for every child to thrive at school and in the future.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

MAGOS is a hybrid solution that includes an immersive print book connected to an intuitive, digital platform with state-of-the-art UX design, that challenges each student to explore a "land of magic" by presenting the student with a personalized sequence of reading, writing, listening, and grammar exercises that the student must solve using the book in weekly sessions throughout the school year.
From the teacher's point of view, MAGOS is a useful turnkey educational resource, adapted to the local situation, that allows the teacher to "multiply" in the classroom, freeing the teacher to support the students who need it most, while providing real-time data on each student's performance.

How has it been spreading?

MAGOS is already present in 20% of public primary schools in Portugal and is now scaling in Spain and entering the African and LATAM markets (through established local partners).

In its first year, MAGOS has reached a user base of +10,000 primary school students, +55% of them from disadvantaged backgrounds and 18% of them benefiting from skill recovery learning pathways.

In addition to this adoption, other relevant results are the rate of effective use in the classroom, over 87% (well above the sector average) and the 100% retention of school clients.

Due to this rapid growth and scale in public schools, Class of Wonders (MAGOS owner company) has already been invited to join an international consortium to apply for a public B2G tender under EU funds to scale MAGOS nationally.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

MAGOS is an innovation designed for classroom use, so to try it out you should share MAGOS with your local school principal or contact us by email or on LinkedIn to suggest a school for our sales team to contact.

Implementation steps

1. The teacher registers the class
The teacher registers the class, setting each student's starting point (it can be the expected level for the student's grade or lower if the student needs to recover previous skills).
The registration is easily done in the teacher's page in MAGOS.
When the registration is finished, the teacher can download the students' MAGOS access codes (see step 2).
2. The teacher gives each student their "Great Book of Magic" + their individual access code.
After registering the class, the teacher receives the printed books (1 per student). The teacher then only needs to download the students' individual access codes to the digital platform (see previous step 1) and give each student a book with their individual codes on it.
3. Students log in to the platform
Working in pairs and sharing a computer or tablet with an Internet connection, each student logs in to the platform using the unique access code provided by their teacher (which acts as a password).
4. Students play and learn in weekly classes
Using their "Great Book of Magic" and sharing a computer or tablet (with Internet connection and shared screen function) with other students, each student in the class complete reading, writing, grammar, and listening gamified exercises, also collaborating with other students in the class through a peer learning feature.
The learning sequence presented to each student is responsive to the student's initial skill level and pace of progress throughout the school year.
5. The teacher monitors the students' progress
On the teacher page in the MAGOS platform, the teacher can access individual student performance data in real time.

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