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The Blue STEAM Wave in Beykoz

place Türkiye

Protect the Sea with STEAM

DenizTemiz Derneği/ TURMEPA’s “Students are Coding Water. H2O Goes to School!” project won the Excellence Award within the scope of “Pratt & Whitney E-STEM Awards 2023”. With the award it won, TURMEPA has been implementing the project called "The Blue STEAM Wave in Beykoz" in order to extend coding and STEAM and encourage students to combine it with marine ecosystem knowledge to produce projects.


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Web presence






Target group
Students basic
February 2024
The primary aim of the project is to raise awareness of the target groups on the importance of the sea as the main source of oxygen and marine ecosystem. This is measured through pre and post-tests. Also incorporating STEAM education in this project helps students engage in critical thinking, problem solving etc. It is hoped that this comprehensive project will lead to behavior in the long run.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

- In order to spread the awareness of protecting the environment and the seas among students, family members and local people through teachers by benefiting from coding and STEAM;
- To increase the capabilities of students and teachers in Beykoz in the fields of research, creativity and innovation.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

In this project, a STEAM laboratory was established in Beykoz BİLSEM (The Science and Art Center in the Beykoz district in Istanbul/Türkiye) where 12 teachers were given in-service trainer training for 5 days. Robotic Coding and Production Skills workshops have been organizing in the STEAM laboratory. Also a library consisting of 100 books on marine life was prepared for various age groups in the STEAM laboratory, so that the target groups can use these sources for research and project development. It is planned to reach 2219 students and 301 teachers with the trainings. It is aimed that students from Beykoz's 12 public secondary schools will produce STEAM projects for the protection of sea and water by highlighting the concepts of creativity, environment, culture-art, technology and social responsibility. In addition to training, the project also includes coastal cleaning and various activities.

How has it been spreading?

This project is the improved version of the “Students are Coding Water. H2O Goes to School!” project which won the “Pratt & Whitney E-STEM Awards 2023”. This can be regarded as the evidence that successful and useful projects like this target some part of today’s modern education’s requirements.
The protocols with project partners (Governmental bodies and local authorities), e-bulletins, TURMEPA’s website, social media platforms, magazine, annual report, etc will help disseminate the project. This project can create a model for future STEAM-based marine projects both at national and international level.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Preparing educational content on marine ecosystem, addressing environmental issues and offering some solutions to combat these problems, collaborating with local authorities like district national education directorates to organize schools or municipalities for some permissions etc., teaming up with STEAM experts etc.
We are open for further collaboration on similar projects.

Implementation steps

- Preparing the educational content
Preparing educational content both on marine ecosystem and STEAM appropriate to the project target groups (Both for students and teachers)
- Making protocols
- Making protocols with Directorate of National Education, related authorities, STEAM experts and other project partners
- Purchasing the equipment
Purchasing and setting the STEAM laboratory equipment
- Training the trainers
Training the trainers (in-service training) on marine ecosystem and STEAM in the STEAM lab
- Training the students
Training the target group students on marine ecosystem and measuring the effectiveness of the training through pre and post tests
- Making project groups
The teachers who have already participated in the project training, will make their project groups (consisting of their students)
- Training students on STEAM
The teachers will teach their students what they have learned on STEAM during project training and prepare them to produce STEAM-based marine projects
- Mentoring
Mentoring students’ projects on monthly meetings with TURMEPA and STEAM experts
- Presentation of the projects
Receiving students’ STEAM-based marine projects and organizing a day to watch students present their projects
- Evaluation of the projects
The jury will judge the projects and the winners will be announced on a closing ceremony

Spread of the innovation

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