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The Inspired Teaching Approach

Every child and teacher should love school. The Inspired Teaching Approach makes that possible.

With the Inspired Teaching Approach, teachers take on the role of Instigators of Thought, rather than merely “deliverers of information.” Through our improvisation-based professional development, they learn to center their instruction on our 4 I’s and 5 Core Elements, creating classrooms where students are authentically engaged, joyfully motivated, and active participants in their learning.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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May 2024
Center for Inspired Teaching is a social change NGO that champions the power of curiosity and is dedicated to transforming the school experience from compliance-based to engagement-based. Children are innately curious; they are hard-wired to learn. We hope to shift the norm and make school a place that fuels, rather than suppresses, this curiosity for all children.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

A former public school teacher, Aleta Margolis developed the Inspired Teaching Approach to challenge a prevailing norm: too many children, teachers, and parents accepted the reality that school was something to “get through,” and that the “best” students exhibited compliance and obedience. This Approach engages teachers as allies to make learning engaging for children and their teachers.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The Inspired Teaching Approach was developed and consistently evolves in response to the most pressing needs in education – like growing absenteeism and mental health crises, teacher retention, and leadership turnover – improving teaching methodologies and practices while also building community and ensuring equitable outcomes for all students. For nearly three decades, we have collected quantitative and qualitative data via surveys of teachers, students, and school leaders; focus groups; in-classroom observations using nationally normed tools; and case studies. Our approach is also validated by ample third-party research.

In practice, the Inspired Teaching Approach looks like children and their teachers in action - learning math, science, literature, history, arts, and more with their whole bodies, hearts, and minds.

How has it been spreading?

For 30 years, the Inspired Teaching Approach has been at the root of our school and district partnerships, teaching residencies, and professional development programming. We began in Washington, DC, then expanded across the US and in India, South Africa (where one of our teachers opened a school rooted in our Approach), Turkey, Thailand, and elsewhere. During the pandemic, we created digital resources – reaching more educators worldwide, including in Myanmar and over 1000 teachers in Ukraine. We’ve received international recognition (including an Ashoka Fellowship, Anthem Awards, and a Global Collection 2024 selection). In the future, we aim to reach more educators and engage parents to help us shift the norm in schools away from compliance and toward authentic engagement.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

We offer an array of resources – ready-to-implement classroom activities, self-paced professional development, booklets filled with insights and tools – teachers can use to bring the Inspired Teaching Approach into their classroom with the click of a button. They can also join our monthly live online PD workshops, or contact us directly to bring customized programming to their school community.

Implementation steps

Discover the Inspired Teaching Approach.
Subscribe to Hooray for Monday, a weekly publication that offers timely insights, resources, and recommendations to help teachers and school leaders shift their practice toward greater engagement.
Embrace an improvisational mindset.
Follow these 5 Rules: 1-Respect what others create; 2-Say “Yes! And…;” 3-Know your goal; 4-Play big; 5-Embrace mistakes.
Identify ways to bring the Approach into your classroom.
Look for new activities to try in your classroom or school that bring this approach into your daily experience. The Inspired Teaching website offers ready-to-implement activities for teachers of multiple disciplines and students of all ages.
Participate in Inspired Teaching's free professional development programming.
Participate in a free, live training from Inspired Teaching; they are offered monthly online and are available to educators around the world.
Advocate and build momentum.
Share what you learn with other educators and help to build momentum for this unique approach to teaching. We have a library of digital activities on our website. Educators can use these activities to reflect on their teaching with peers and collectively try out new approaches.

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