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World Science Movement

No curious mind should be left behind.

World Science Movement is a social responsibility project initiated by Young Guru Academy and backed by the UK-based startup Twin Science & Robotics that aims to spread the joy of science to all children around the world. Through World Science Movement, we raise and nurture future STEAM talents by bringing the latest technology to children in the most disadvantaged echelons of society.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
Students early
April 2024
The innovation aims to raise self-confident individuals who think freely and produce original projects by delivering the latest technology to the most disadvantaged children.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Disparities in education make it challenging for people to climb out of the cycle of poverty and yet there are millions of kids who still do not have access to quality science education. We believe that for a society to thrive, no curious mind should be left behind. With support from the World Science Movement, children can become the self-confident and innovative professionals of the future.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

World Science Movement is a social development model in which the brightest young people bring the essence of science and technology to the most disadvantaged children. According to the latest published Pisa report, among 37 OECD countries, Turkey ranks 31st in student performance in reading, mathematics, and science. According to a study by PWC, there will be a 3.5M job potential in the STEM field in 2023, but when we look at current data, there will be a gap of 31%. State-of-the-art science sets are sent to schools in need everywhere in Turkey. Children exposed to science at an early age produce radical technology-based solutions to today's problems. By sending Science Sets to disadvantaged schools, teacher training, science sessions, science camps, and mentoring programs, it brings together children with limited opportunities and unlimited dreams with STEM education at an early age. Our Educational Pack consists of Twin Kits, Twin App, and our unique curricula.

How has it been spreading?

We train a network of volunteers to sustainably enhance educators’ teaching methods so they understand how the Science Kits work and can easily integrate them into their lesson plans. After we train selected trainers to enhance their teaching methods, they teach their students by using the Educational Pack in their classes. We also cooperate with non-governmental organizations operating in the earthquake zone. As part of the collaboration, we train instructors in these organizations to use science sets. Thus, instructors who receive set usage training can use science sets together with children in the field.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

You can reach out to us through our website ( and contact our team from

Implementation steps

Contact with Us!
If you are a student or a teacher who wants to establish a WSM School Club at your institution, contact us through and we’ll get in touch with you about your application and provide you with information for the next steps.
Download the volunteer guide!
Download the volunteer guide & other supporting documents that we have sent you after your application. There you can familiarize yourself with our double winged curriculum.
Take initiative and find your partner school!
Take initiative and find your partner school! Create your project financial resources! You can conduct science workshops with your partner schools through our content and guides. Start helping children explore the wonders of science with physical Twin kit workshops and digital Twin App scientific games.

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