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An education seminar for understanding diversity better in schools

CulturED is a teacher training program that deals with prejudices, discrimination, racism and identity in relation to one’s own nationality. The purpose of the CulturED seminars is to explore these issues by showcasing different perspectives and experiences of people from multicultural backgrounds.
Finland 100


HundrED has selected this innovation to

Finland 100

Updated March 2017




Target group
We hope that our seminars will help schools change their way of looking at these sometimes difficult topics into eye-opening and enriching experiences.

About the innovation

What is it all about?

As societies become more diverse, schools become more diverse as well. This means that teachers' professional demands expand: teachers are increasingly required to recognize and understand diversity and any issues that may arise because of it.

Identifying and understanding situations related to diversity requires new ways of thinking as well as welcoming new perspectives. With dialogue, safe discussions, and sharing experiences, it’s possible for all students and teachers to gain a better understanding of these situations and the ability to contribute constructively to different interactions and activities.

CulturED seminars provide teachers with a place for developing competences for facing multiculturalism and diversity. One of the main goals of CulturED is to have students and teachers understand each other better. The broader goal of the seminars, is to prevent discrimination and marginalization of children and youth, empower young people through equal dialogue with adults, and to identify more students in need of support through the empowerment of teachers and their intercultural competences.

The CulturED seminar day consists of reflecting on issues such as prejudice, discrimination, nationality, and exploring one’s own identity in relation to cultural diversity. The topics are covered from different points of views.

The seminars draw on many years’ worth of observations from schools, teaching materials, and the experiences of facilitators coming from multicultural backgrounds.

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability


CulturED combines personal experiences of multiculturalism with concrete tools that teachers can use in their work.


Students from different backgrounds are better integrated into the school community as teachers become more skilled.


The contents of the seminar are applicable in a variety of multicultural environments.

Implementation steps

The origins of CulturED
The CulturED Teacher Training Program is part of the Walter Association.

The Walter Association promotes intercultural interaction especially among children and young adults. The idea behind CulturED comes from Walter ry's KYTKE-project, in which the concepts of open-mindedness and diversity are discussed with children and young adults.

You can find out more about Walter Association here.

If CulturED sparked your enthusiasm, and you have the resources to organize a seminar for teachers from your school or area, follow the steps.

If you would rather participate in a CulturED seminar yourself, contact your school staff or a person in your area who has the authority to organize a CulturED seminar and inform them of this possibility.

Contacting culturED seminar staff
Contact the employees of culturED either by email or by phone.

You can contact us through the following contact information:

Jan Wieland
Tel. +358 45 263 6050

Efe Evwaraye
Tel. +358 40 749 9249

Let us know that you would be willing to organize a culturED seminar in your area. Discuss when would be a suitable time for the seminar as well as the more detailed practical arrangements and possible expenses.

Depending on the situation, it is possible to hold the seminar 1–3 months after first contacting us. The duration of the seminar is six hours.

Practical arrangements
The most important things to take care of are the facilities, equipment and organizing lunch or dinner.Facilities

Book a suitable venue for the event, for example, an auditorium, assembly hall or some other place according to the number of participants. The seminars have usually been held for a group of 20–50 teachers.


A computer, sound system, video projector, silver screen and pens and paper should also be reserved for the seminar.


A one hour break is included in the seminar program, so an opportunity for lunch or dinner close by should be arranged.

Informing and recruiting participants
Tell teachers in your area about the seminar well beforehand and promote it regularly to reach as many teachers as possible.

For information and marketing purposes, please contact the Walter Association. Add your contact information to the notice so that teachers can notify you of their attendance at the seminar.

More detailed information about the participants should be sent to staff of CulturED closer to when the seminar is being held.

The seminar program
The theme of the seminar will be addressed through ‘Conflict’ - a series of short films for educational purposes.

The short movies are based on either true events or the opinions and thoughts of real people.

Each participant will be provided with a copy of the Conflict short film series and a notebook created to facilitate classroom discussion. Teachers can take advantage of these in their own classrooms.