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Low Pressure, High Achievement

place Portugal

Student well-being is essential to learning

Success defined only by grades, scores, or admission to the most elite universities comes at the cost of student well-being. TASIS Portugal believes that student well-being is essential to learning. We maintain high expectations, promote a growth mindset, help students to use their strengths to overcome challenges, and teach social-emotional learning (SEL) alongside other academic subjects.


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Updated April 2024
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Target group
Students participating in SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) programs strengthen social and emotional skills such as stress-management and decision-making, have more positive attitudes towards school, and higher academic performance. Trends Shaping Education 2018 Spotlight OECD

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

“95% are sleep deprived; 77% experience stress-related health symptoms; 63% are constantly worried about academics; 62% say workload is a major source of stress; and 47% are disengaged or simply ‘doing school’”.
SEL is essential to learning because it encourages self-acceptance, stress monitoring, emotional intelligence, and self-advocacy.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

There is dedicated time for SEL every week to foster a sense of empathy, self-awareness, and feelings of safety and inclusiveness in the classroom.

In the Early Learning Center, we use the ELLI (the Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory) standards, and to make it easy, each one is represented by an animal: The Cat = Curiosity; The Spider = Making Connections; The Chameleon = Changing and Learning; The Tortoise = Resilience; The Owl = Strategic Awareness; The Unicorn = Creativity; The Bee = Learning Relationships; The Yeti = Growth Mindset.

In the Lower School, we use the Toolbox Project to teach 12 tools, strategies, and skills—building a critical foundation for personal wellness in relationships and academics: Breathing, Quiet Safe-Space, Listening, Personal Space, Using Our Words, Garbage Can, Taking Time, Please and Thank You, Apology and Forgiveness, Patience, Courage.

In the Upper School, we use Wayfinder to focus on a sense of belonging and purpose to build competencies.

How has it been spreading?

SEL implementation started with stand-alone classroom lessons and are now woven into the fabric of the school’s curriculum and school culture. When an example of resilience is demonstrated in a Kindergarten read aloud, the teachers easily tie it back to the example of the ELLI tortoise. When an elementary student shows courage by speaking in front of the assembly, they are acknowledged for this Toolbox tool explicitly. When an upper school student is connected to an academic enrichment group or to a mentorship, we are encouraging a sense of purpose in the world.
“All students should be valued for their own interests, unique talents, and individual definitions of success. They shouldn’t have to choose between doing well and being well.”

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Learn about our approach by researching the resources we use, and visiting the school to see the model in action.

Implementation steps

Research SEL Programs
Learn about the CASEL framework, ELLI, Toolbox Project, and Wayfinder by visiting their websites, reading the research, requesting sample materials, talking with educators using the programs, and visiting schools where these programs are being implemented.
Plan for Time and Budget
Work with the school's timetabler to identify where this can fit into the school day. Work with the school's finance team to determine the budget constraints.
Form a Well-Being Committee
If a similar entity does not yet exist, form a well-being committee to help navigate decisions and implementation. Include stakeholders from all parts of the school.
Proposal to Leadership Team
Make a well-informed proposal to the Leadership Team, to ensure that there is support to proceed.
Plan for Ordering and Professional Development
Collaborate with your team to plan for the professional development and materials that will be needed for implementation. Considerations include: student numbers, timing, storage, budget requests, etc.
Communicate the Plan
As with all new programs, transparency is key. Prepare communication for each part of the school community so that there is enough time for all to learn about the changes. A few ideas that worked well for us include: teachers: pre-service training, presentations in division meetings, dedicated professional development time, teacher surveys; parents: blogs, parent nights, parent round tables led by the Parent Education Committee; board: board reports; students: articles in the school newspaper.
Pacing Guides
Provide pacing guides for the teachers guiding the lessons so that the implementation is intentional and works well with the other curriculum. In this way, the topics can be shared with the parents through newsletters so that the partnership between school and home is strengthened.
Build in Assessment and Feedback
Gather baseline information so that progress can be monitored at mid-year and end of year. This is important to assess the effectiveness of the program and to communicate growth and/or the need for more support to the students and the parents. Establish peer observation as well as administration led observation to hold teachers accountable to implementing the program with fidelity. We chose: to help us with this effort.
Reflect and Refine
Build in time for the students and teachers to reflect on the program and their growth. This establishes a healthy feedback loop for the individual and for the school community to continue to improve.

Spread of the innovation

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