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Post COVID Classroom Management Toolkit & Program

place Spain + 5 more

Join me in creating the magic in a post-COVID classroom that you always wanted to

I am a psychologist, who realized that psychological problems are hard to imagine, quantify and solve as they are invisible. (If your arm is fractured, the x-ray shows how deep the damage is, and the doctor will know how to proceed.) This isn’t the case of mental health damage, or emotional outburst. I created a symbol-based toolkit, which makes the emotions visible, tangible and easy to handle.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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Target group
June 2024
We Transform the mindset of educators by showing them that since 2020 psychology sits there in their classroom, together with them and the kids. We show them that by using the right tools, introducing the right routines, and maintaining them, they can end up having the most successful, and most joyful times of their lives. A little bit of mindset change can often create "magic" in the classroom.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

The COVID lockdown has caused a lot of mental health issues, which have been getting worse since the global economic crisis. Both adults and children are out of their comfort zone. The school environment has changed dramatically. Educators report more and more “aggression” or “anger outbursts”, which create constant disruptions that they aren't trained to handle. They need an immediate solution.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The increasing disruption is in part caused by the collapse of the social systems around us. School is a system too. Re-designing the classroom environment to become cooperative, inclusive, and resistant to post-COVID negative effects, gives educators a possibility to calm down the kids.
This Program is a part of the S-Cool Days Package that specializes in Post-Covid Classroom Management. When using our system educators introduce new routines and use the Human Nature Toolkit. Thanks to these routines, the stress and punishment disappear from classrooms and a warm environment of supportive discussions takes over. The transition in the classroom is quick and efficient.
Our program is designed so that even schools in the least privileged neighborhoods have enough budget to implement it since all kids need to create their tools are paper and pencils. Technology is only required for the educators, to join the workshops and learn how to introduce the method at their institutions.

How has it been spreading?

2018 – Introduced in Hungary in a public and a Private School (Budapest School owned by the co-founder of Prezi)
2018 – Introduction of the methodology in Spain, The American School of Las Palmas
2018 – Research added to the S-Cool Days Program
2019 – MIT Linc International Conference, Boston – got selected as a speaker, and shared the research results
2020 – Learning and the Brain Conference San Francisco
2021 – Online workshop in Cyprus - Toolfair
2021 – “Best school year of your life” – Social responsibility project –
trained 1600 educators all over Hungary and neighboring countries
2021 – Porto, Tempus Tool Fair
2022 – 600+ children in Summer Camps – 96+% satisfaction rate
2023 – All Victim Support Centers in Hungary
2024 – Crime prevention workshop in cooperation with the police

If I want to try it, what should I do?

They should contact – Ildiko Gyori –, +36 70 774 5868
The steps would be:
They should contact me by mail. Than we set up a Zoom meeting, where we would introduce ourselves and clarify their need: what exactly the challenge is regarding mental health or the socio-emotional learning in the classroom? What age range do they work with ? etc. I'll come back with a project plan

Implementation steps

Contact and problem identification
Find at least 2-4 educators in your school who are interested in and committed to changing the post-COVID classroom environment into a “calm nest” of students, happy and ready to care about each other.
Prepare a list with the exact post-COVID problems and challenges you want to resolve.
Prepare a list with the exact expectations, and results you would like to see after the cooperation.
Join the Zoom meeting, and let’s work on the solutions to your problems.
Create the Tools
Discuss the possible solutions and routines that would help you to solve the challenges.
Fieldwork - introduce the tools in your classroom
Commit to introducing the tools and maintaining the new routines as discussed.
Q & A session
Participate in a follow-up online meeting, and share what worked, and where you have questions. Agree on how to modify the routines to best fit your classroom. Implement the modified routines.
Finalizing the Test Phase
Summarize the results and improvements. Agree on the routines you will implement permanently. Collect the new stories. Share these with us and your colleagues, like other educators did:
Discuss with us and your colleagues how and where to expand the program in your community.

Spread of the innovation

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