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ASANKA - An Offline Learning Management System.

Connecting the unconnected with quality education.

ASANKA is an offline Learning Management System (LMS) that helps solve three (3) major educational challenges of Curriculum & Content Distribution (CCD), Evidence-based Decision Making (EDM), & Human Resource Management (HRM).



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
Students basic
April 2024
1, Increase in total student enrollment in Schools 2, Increase in total female Student enrollment in Schools 3,Increase in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points for Teacher: Government-Approved Ranking 4, Effective and efficient use of the device. 5, Increasing Teaching and Learning Outcomes (Final examination result). 6, Longevity of the Device. 7, Digital Gender Divide.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

In a skills assessment conducted by the World Bank in 12 countries comprising 7 African countries... Grade 2 pupils in Ghanaian… public schools are the worst-performing pupils... with almost 90% of students unable to read. In numeracy… 70%... were unable to perform simple two-digit subtraction exercises.” This shows that current educational practices are not producing the necessary educational

What does your innovation look like in practice?

ASANKA is more than just a device; it's a gateway to education for offline learners in remote African communities. With its low-cost, low-powered design and durable metal casing, ASANKA delivers content using Web 2.0 technology, connecting users to a world of knowledge without internet access. It simplifies content distribution, serves multiple learners simultaneously, and reduces costs compared to traditional materials. ASANKA Analytics empowers decision-makers with evidence-based tools to enhance teaching and learning outcomes. By collecting usage data, it provides valuable insights for informed decision-making. ASANKA also offers localized content that celebrates local culture and equips learners with essential skills for success. Join us in revolutionizing education with ASANKA.

How has it been spreading?

TECHAiDE employs various channels to distribute ASANKA devices, catering to both B2B and B2C customers. Direct sales, online platforms, domestic, and international distribution networks are utilized. Targeting private schools, NGOs, parents, and government entities, we ensure widespread accessibility and impact.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Learners connect to ASANKA using any WiFi-enabled device within a 100-meter range. Each creates a unique login for access. No Internet is needed, and one device serves up to 30 users concurrently, each accessing different content.

Implementation steps

Unbox the Device
The device comes in a nicely packaged Box with a charger.
Power the Device.
The device can be powered via a power bank, laptop, desktop PC, or electrical socket. Simply connect the charger or USB cable to a power outlet and then to the device. Look for a blinking green light to confirm it's on.
After powering on, locate the ASANKA Device's Wi-Fi signal. Connect any Wi-Fi-enabled device by following these steps: Open a browser, type in the address bar, and press Enter. Register as a first-time user, providing bio details, class level, location, region, and create a username and password.
After, Confirming your password, enter your Gmail and cleck on register.
This gives you access to the ASANKA Interface.
How to access content on the device.
Once on the Dashboard, explore the Ghana Approved Educational Teaching and Learning Curriculum, which offers Video, Audio, and Interactive Quizzes. Discover the Global Practical Resources Content, ASANKA Cloud Account, and Interactive Games Columns. Each provides topics and subjects, with strands and resources such as Videos, Audios, exercises, and games. Learning happens at the learner's pace, free from distractions, and at their convenience. At no Internet Charge.
ASANKA Cloud Account - Remote Device Content Update.
1. Users connect to an ASANKA for Local Content and resources without the internet.
2. ASANKA automatically saves Users Progress.
3. Asmnistrators sync ASANKA with their ACA.
4. Decision-makers using the internet, access their ACA from anywhere, giving them evidence (ASANKA Analytics) on their Users progress and tools on how to improve outcomes.

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