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Global Citizenship Self-Discovery Tool

Start Your Whole School Global Citizenship Journey Today.

The Whole School Self-Discovery Tool (Inspire Citizens and Greg Curtis, 2022) was created to help schools discover how they are are approaching whole school systems for global citizenship, education for sustainable development, and service learning and community engagement by using a set of indicators and rubrics to identify current progress and the tool produces a report outlining next steps.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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Target group
April 2024
We hope that more schools will dedicate themselves to the importance of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (UNSDG Target 4.7), and will have the systems, tools, and insights to engage in this critically pertinent global endeavour.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Many schools have a mission around creating global citizens and students who contribute to a better future, but few have systems to ensure that this is happening, and globally there were no open-sources tools to monitor progress or identify next steps along this journey. Our tool helps schools begin the journey, collect evidence over time, gain insights into next steps, and set future goals.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Our innovation is an open-source self-assessment tool that where participants respond to prompts about their institution. A report is then created with suggestions for next steps and a Likert scale to track their progress. Administrators and school stakeholders can then use this innovation to set strategic plan goals, set implementation goals, monitor progress over time, prepare for accreditations, and use a data-based approach to better lead education for global citizenship, sustainable development, and service learning and community engagement.

How has it been spreading?

It has been spreading through conferences, workshops, social media posts, word of mouth referral, and sharing through educational publications.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Click on the following link, create a login, and follow the link in your email to complete the self-discovery process. Try to answer as honestly as possible, but also reflect on the types of questions being asked and take notes about insights that may occur while reflecting.

Implementation steps

Engage with the Inspire Citizens Self Discovery Tool
Visit the following link:
Enter the required information and create a password (so that you may log in again) Follow the link sent to your email (please check the junk folder if not received) Complete the Self-Discovery Tool alone, or with a stakeholder team, as honestly as possible. We also encourage you to take notes and ponder insights gained by reflecting on the prompts in the self-assessment. Implement and Reflect!
Track Progress Over Time
Complete the Self-Discovery Tool again during critical points of your 3-5 year implementation journey to inform strategic planning and supportive implementation systems.

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